Would it be a good idea to learn French & Italian togeth
qué dice la gente
que diche la yente (Italian pronunciation in Spanish)
Che dice la gente would be the Italian phrase.
But it is true that Italian can be easier by the fact that they don't use five letters of the alphabet found in Spanish and English.
Now I'm studying French & Italian together. Both are less difficult than German or Russian.
But it is true that Italian can be easier by
Italian isn't easy at all for a Spanish. Italian consonant system is much harder than the spanish one. It distinguishes simple and double consonants, vowel can be closed and open. Besides, in my view the italian grammar is a bit trickier than the spanish one. For instance the use of articles and prepositions are less regular than in Spanish. Noun plurals are totally regular in Spanish unless Italian. Italian makes use of two axiliary verbs (essere and avere) to form all compound tenses. Not to mention some pronominal particles like ci, vi, ne, ce, ne whose use it mainly idiomatic.These particles don't even exist in Spanish. Only the use of estar and ser may be harder in Spanish than in Italian. The simplicity of Italian is another cliché.
Italian spelling is harder and less predictable than Spanish. Italian has plenty of double consonants bb, cc, dd, ff, ll,mm rr, qq, ss, vv ,nn . Furtherthemore, the use of the graphic accent in Spanish makes the reading of the language easier than in Italian.
Italian can be as different as you want with respect to Spanish, but it is still an easy language for the Spanish speakers.
Apparently you're not that expert in learning languages. Similiar languages may be very tricky sometimes: false friends, syntax and vocabulary mix-up and so on. Of course French or Italian are, on the whole, much easier than Russian or chinese for a Spanish speaker.
In fact I can't think of easier languages than Italian for an Spanish speaker. Maybe French syntax is a bit more similar to the Spanish one, but pronunciation is diffcult. Maybe Brazilian Portuguese would be a bit easier than Italian.
Catalan is easier and more similar than Italian.
Italians also think that spanish is the easiest language
No way, French is more similar to the Italian syntax. Spanish syntax is more similar to portuguese, but portuguese (particularly the european one) is harder than Spanish.
Catalan pronunciation is more difficult than the italian one. Consonants are as difficult as in italian, and Catalan has more vowels than Italian.
Catataln just has one more vowel
Catalan has fewer double consonants
Catalan grammar is more similar to the Spanish one, for instance Catalan only use the verb to have (like Spanish) to form the compound tenses and this simplifies a lot, believe me
Now I'm studying French & Italian together. Both are less difficult than German or Russian.
sure... it's interesting the fact that you don't write in French or Italian then! ... like all people claiming your exact words
Italian can be as different as you want with respect to Spanish, but it is still an easy language for the Spanish speakers.
or better it's the contrary.