the European greens ideology (whi seem somehow more far right than ecologist) seems quite dangerous and can led to develop ethnic identitary feelings not based upon real culture but just origins. This led to put Scotland in a almost independant situation, almost breaking Belgium, and try to destroy all European nations, excepted the central one, Germany.
Minority languages? or propaganda?
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Why the different dialects of German are the same language but Occitan and Oïl languages , closer to each other, are not colored as the same?
<<Why the different dialects of German are the same language but Occitan and Oïl languages , closer to each other, are not colored as the same? >>
German dialects (exept perhaps Plattdeutsch) are not so different, that's it. Already Dante Alighieri recognized Occitan as being fundamentally different from the Oïl languages.
German dialects (exept perhaps Plattdeutsch) are not so different, that's it. Already Dante Alighieri recognized Occitan as being fundamentally different from the Oïl languages.
<<<the European greens ideology (whi seem somehow more far right than ecologist) seems quite dangerous and can led to develop ethnic identitary feelings not based upon real culture but just origins. This led to put Scotland in a almost independant situation, almost breaking Belgium, and try to destroy all European nations, excepted the central one, Germany. >>>
"almost breaking Belgium" is done by the Belgians themselves and not by the Teutonic Greens...
"almost breaking Belgium" is done by the Belgians themselves and not by the Teutonic Greens...
" German dialects (exept perhaps Plattdeutsch) are not so different, that's it. Already Dante Alighieri recognized Occitan as being fundamentally different from the Oïl languages. "
Strange enough, I am a french speaker and I can understand almost perfecly occitan(s) (PS: there are a lot of different occitans)
I don't know enough the differences inside the German dialects to prononce myself, but concerning Italy... thinking that all Italy is united that way from north to south is a big joke. At the contrary to France the dialects of the north and the south are still spoken and people identify themselves very strongly with them - In France, especially in the new country called "occitania" by some the occitan languages are only the reality for a very narrow minority, actually close to 0% in paca region.
it means that if you go in a town in Venezia and then in one in Campania or Sicily you'll not hear the same language in the streets. If you come in Paris, Toulouse, Nice, Nantes, Marseille, Cannes or Lyon you'll hear French. You'll have difficulties to find someone who doesn't use it at first usual language.
You can live a whole life in southern France and never hear speaking "occitan" in no one place. It is virtually impossible in Italy.
" "almost breaking Belgium" is done by the Belgians themselves and not by the Teutonic Greens... "
Actually, being spread by EU (whose headquarter are in Belgium!), the "ethnic" dividing project of Europe lead by the German greens since about 10 years had since a few years a deep impact over the Flemish politicians and flemish community. We began to see at work the etnic communaurisation in the heart of Europe itself. The German green actively support all kind of independantist organisation in Europe (except in Germany of course), whatever they represent a majorirty of even a relative significative reality. If one Parisian independentist group, who claim a own language (argot for exemple) and its own identity tehy would support it...
Strange enough, I am a french speaker and I can understand almost perfecly occitan(s) (PS: there are a lot of different occitans)
I don't know enough the differences inside the German dialects to prononce myself, but concerning Italy... thinking that all Italy is united that way from north to south is a big joke. At the contrary to France the dialects of the north and the south are still spoken and people identify themselves very strongly with them - In France, especially in the new country called "occitania" by some the occitan languages are only the reality for a very narrow minority, actually close to 0% in paca region.
it means that if you go in a town in Venezia and then in one in Campania or Sicily you'll not hear the same language in the streets. If you come in Paris, Toulouse, Nice, Nantes, Marseille, Cannes or Lyon you'll hear French. You'll have difficulties to find someone who doesn't use it at first usual language.
You can live a whole life in southern France and never hear speaking "occitan" in no one place. It is virtually impossible in Italy.
" "almost breaking Belgium" is done by the Belgians themselves and not by the Teutonic Greens... "
Actually, being spread by EU (whose headquarter are in Belgium!), the "ethnic" dividing project of Europe lead by the German greens since about 10 years had since a few years a deep impact over the Flemish politicians and flemish community. We began to see at work the etnic communaurisation in the heart of Europe itself. The German green actively support all kind of independantist organisation in Europe (except in Germany of course), whatever they represent a majorirty of even a relative significative reality. If one Parisian independentist group, who claim a own language (argot for exemple) and its own identity tehy would support it...
I think that the capital of the EU should be Paris. Belgium is collapsing and can't host the European Institutions.
I think that the capital of the EU should be Paris
go on talking nonsense
go on talking nonsense
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