Buon natale, joyeux Noël, Feliz navidad, Boas Festas, etc...
"I have new years surprise for the Latin 'Santa Claus' that I think even he will appreciate."
Well don't keep us in suspense: we barbaric northern types have a short attention span!
Latin people have everything, especially if it means party =P
<<I äm not talking about the computer magazine...
PC = politically correct>>
Lol, I could figure that much. Thanks
You must be patient and keep your sword sheathed, Colette. Speaking of Tannenbäumes, I must water mine...It's a pity Latin Santa doesn't have one, they really brighten up a room.
Santa: Ich hoffe, daß Sie frohe Weihnachten hatten!
Ach, JLK...you know it's in our nature to be barbaric warmongers, even we of the she-folk among us!
It's funny, because the Latin guy who started this thread seems to have disappeared. I wonder if he's taking a Weihnachtsfiesta?
Remember now, he has your IP adress thanks to Brennus. I bet he's approaching NYC about now.:-)
To Zatsu:
Are all Portuguese people as cool as you? :)
I could be wrong, but why do I get the impression that it is not usually the Portuguese trying to start a Latin war at Antimoon?
Like this guy who started the thread and said he wished his Latin brethren a feliz navidad -- I don't think he is Portuguese by any stretch of the imagination.
<<Remember now, he has your IP adress thanks to Brennus. I bet he's approaching NYC about now.:-)>>
Once again, good thing I am not drinking right now!
I am shaking in my boots! I think Brennus is some old guy who hates German people. He's too old to kick my Arsch. ;)
Yes, Santa was obviously trying to start a feud. I wouldn't have commented had not the Germanic contributions to Christmas been so great.
<<Yes, Santa was obviously trying to start a feud. I wouldn't have commented had not the Germanic contributions to Christmas been so great.>>
I probably would have. I can hardly ever resist engaging the Hispanic troll(s)...especially when they/it so blatantly attack our noble peoples. ;) Where's the love?!?
Bah...I take there attacks as compliments. It's jealousy more than anything else. Latin Europe under the Roman Empire was for centuries far more advanced than the Barbarian north and ever since the fall it's been the other way around.
<<Bah...I take there attacks as compliments. It's jealousy more than anything else. Latin Europe under the Roman Empire was for centuries far more advanced than the Barbarian north and ever since the fall it's been the other way around.>>
OK, so are you like a male version of me or something? My thoughts exactly. It's gotta hurt having been supplanted by "barbarians" who are bigger than you. Still, it's fun when they start this on Antimoon -- I'm up for their game. It's great to have someone likeminded with whom to cobattle the trolls!
<<OK, so are you like a male version of me or something?>>
It's the only plausible explanation.
<<Still, it's fun when they start this on Antimoon -- I'm up for their game.>>
I agree, it's an absolute ball, especially when they're so lacking in wit and argumentative skills. They just get angry and make idle threads like Latin nationalist Santa Clause.
To Colette:
Well, I'm not sure I'm that cool, but thanks =)
Portuguese people aren't that many, so we don't really like to start any wars.. hahah...
No, but really, Portuguese are usually very friendly and curious about other people's culture and traditions, tending to assimilate them and not directly imposing our own (exception maybe for food...)...
Apart from this we also like to please everyone and don't cause any conflicts.. it's not always a good thing though.
I could probably learn something from you, to engage in one or two fights sometimes, lol.^^
<<Latin Europe under the Roman Empire was for centuries far more advanced than the Barbarian north and ever since the fall it's been the other way around.>>
Well, probably the "Barbarian north" is more developed in terms of society, Latin Europe imports all of their technology (and Japan's) but Latin Europe is more advanced emotionally, I mean on individual basis.