twiojrdyj znak w russkij jazyku
JakubikF - why Z? it is S in both words.
съесть [sjes't']
сесть [s'es't'] - there s no J here as you see. We have soft S and then simple sound "e" like in polish. Actually there s no "soft S" in Polish like in Russian, so possibly it would be a bit hard to pronounce it for you...
>>PS. I'm listening to you! :) Have you got an e-mail? <<
P.S. I have an e-mail:)
Ehem... I thought you would give me your e-mail:P I think it'd be great to keep in touch with russian linguist if you don't mind of course.
Now I understand what you've ment. I also think I know what soft S means though there isn't such sound in Polish.
Thanks a lot.
BTW, sometimes Russians replace in writing "tvedyj znak" for a common apostrophe:
Oh really? I haven't heard about that and honestly it looks quite strange...
The word об'явление written this way is very usual on the peices of paper pasted on the walls of bus-stop kiosks. Take it from me :)
Guys - writing apostroph instead of Ъ is usual for Ukrainian language but not for Russian, so this is NOT Russian.
Ok JakibikF, if you would like to get in touch with Russian linguist, i dont mind:)
Linguist , then I am Ukranian living in Russia from childhood.
tverdiy znak nikogda ne proiznositcya, i v etih dvuh primerah kotorie vi vzyali slovo voobshe menyaet znachenie esli net tverdogo znaka!
In Russian we dont use ' for Ъ
But in Belarussian language really ' is used.
What I can add that Linguist is right about the use of "hard sign". But it's I guess the strangest letter in the Russian language.
I suppose, that the strangest letter in our language is "Щ" (sch), because it's only a soft "Ш" (sh). :)
>сесть [s'es't'] - there s no J here as you see.
>We have soft S and then simple sound "e" like in polish.
>Actually there s no "soft S" in Polish like in Russian,
>so possibly it would be a bit hard to pronounce it for you...
Soft "s" in word "сесть" is pronounced like "s" in english word "SIT".
I'll have to choose a language to learn at university one year later.So I don't know what language to choose after English!Is Russian an easy language?Can I understand all other Slavic languages like Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Belarussian?Or what languages can I understand exactly?As I'm a Turkish, I have no idea about Slavic languages.Could you advise me a site to visit to learn about Slavic languages?Please friends, I'm sending my msn address and asking for your help.My msn is Please send me!
Russian pronunciation rules are rather simple as compared to English. For example, there are no words in Russian that sound the same but have different spelling like English "might" and "mite". By and large, Russian words will sound correctly if you simply read them letter-by-letter.
You will find that almost all Russian vowels have pretty close English sounds. In general, Russian vowels are divided into two basic types: "soft-indicating" and "hard-indicating" vowels. The "hard-indicating" vowels are а, э, ы, у, о. Russian "soft-indicating" vowels are formed from their "hard-indicating" counterparts by adding an English sound of "y" at the beginning. Thus you will get such "soft-indicating" vowels as я, е, ё, ю, и.
Notice, that vowel groups are marked as "soft-indicating" and "hard-indicating" because they indicate whether the following consonant is "hard" or "soft". In this sense, the Russian pronunciation system should be looked at as a unity of vowels and consonants. For now, do not worry if you do not understand what "hard" and "soft" mean. Just try to learn the pronunciation of vowels and memorize what group ("soft-indicating" or "hard-indicating" ) each of them belongs.
Ъ твёрдый знак -'hard sign'
Ь мягкий знак -'soft sign'
Understand that the “hard sign” was eliminated in all positions after the 1917 Russian revolution and replaced by a double apostrophe (“) before group II vowels (я, е, и, ё, ю)2 following prefixes or in compound words. The double apostrophe was a short-lived phenomenon, and the “hard sign” was returned in that particular context. During the last decade of the 20th
century, it was possible to find the use of “hard signs” in word final position in some newspaper titles and signs as a chic reminder of pre-revolutionary times and status.
Unlike American and European Slavic linguists, most Russian phonologists and phoneticians in the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation insist that there are 6 vowel phonemes, where the 6th is /π/ (ы). Until the 1990’s, Leningrad-based phonologists opposed the Moscow school and supported a 5-phoneme model as given above. Given the fact that the occurrence of и vs. ы is phonologically predictable and these sounds do not occur in contrastive distribution, they are not given here as distinct
Consonants become soft before ь, not ъ. That's why ь is called the soft sign. Ъ is the hard sign.
Softening palatalization means you raise the middle part of your tongue higher toward your upper palate.
By the way the letter Ы at first didn't exist in Russian, and was created by combining the two letters ь and И. So ь+И=Ы