The best way to use SuperMemo

Marcelo   Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 15:56 GMT

I´m beginning to use SuperMemo to improve my vocabulary, I testest it using a program and according to it, my english vocabulary is composed of about 8000 words, which is not bad, but I still want to increase it, especially to understand spoken english better.

I´m also creating my own database using The Newbury House Dictionary of American English and Cambridge´s International Dictionary of English, however, I believe that it is better to use the word as the question and the definition as the answer. Right now I´m using the definition as the question, but I think that it goes against the "simple and univocal" principle of supermemo.

I want your experiences and opinions, especially from you Tom.

Tom   Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 21:54 GMT
You're right. Definition-word goes against the univocality principle, because you can have more than one word which matches a particular definition.

My opinion is simple: Use sentence items. I don't know if you've read the stuff we've written on this. If you have, I can answer your questions.