2-sylables verbs

Confused   Saturday, November 08, 2003, 23:34 GMT
I've come across a pronunciation rules material and found that:

- 2-sylables verbs have the second sylable stressed;

- 2-syllables nouns have the first sylable stressed;

Well, it is valid to "export": ex-PORT (verb), EX-port (noun),since the two forms of pronunciation are listed in Cambridge Dictionary, what doesn't happen in many other 2-sylables verbs.

Should I say: "I accepted her OF-fer." and "She always of-FERS me her help." ?

Or that rule is bullshit?
Richard   Saturday, November 08, 2003, 23:41 GMT
Also, that rule doesn't apply in ''perfume'' because some people pronounce it ''PER-fume'' and other people pronounce it per-FUME.
Confused   Saturday, November 08, 2003, 23:45 GMT
Cambridge Dictionary has the two forms to "perfume" both for verb and noun.
Brazilian Guy   Sunday, November 09, 2003, 20:02 GMT
I noticed it too. I've heard AC-cess and ac-CESS.
When should I use each one?
Jim   Monday, November 10, 2003, 00:34 GMT
As a rule, there are always exceptions to rules.

As for "offer", you'll tend to find that the "er" at the end of words of more than one syllable is always unstressed ... there probably are exceptions to this rule too.

I put the stress on the first syllable of "access" whether it's a noun or a verb. This is what the Cambridge Dictionary suggests too. If I were you, Brazilian Guy, I'd go with this.

Jim   Monday, November 10, 2003, 00:39 GMT
I put stress only on the first syllable of "perfume" whether it's a noun or verb. The Cambridge Dictionary gives this as the British pronunciation. Where the Cambridge Dictionary gives the stress on the second syllable is in the American pronunciation of the noun (but not the verb).
