Old fashioned vs. Old fashion

English   Sunday, May 02, 2004, 20:16 GMT
Is the term ''old-fashioned'' becoming old-fashioned? Are more people nowadays saying ''old fashion''?
mjd   Sunday, May 02, 2004, 20:22 GMT
No, they're just saying it fast so that's what it seems like to you. Pay closer attention to yourself, English.
English   Sunday, May 02, 2004, 20:29 GMT
I've seem people write ''old fashion'' before though. ''Old fashion'' is definitely non-standard.
Jacob   Sunday, May 02, 2004, 23:45 GMT
>No, they're just saying it fast so that's what it seems like to you.

I disagree; many people do say (and write) 'old fashion' when they should use 'old fashioned' instead. It's not a very serious error and in another generation maybe it will be accepted.

Here are some similar common shortenings:

Ice Tea (where Iced Tea would be correct)
Roast Chicken (correctly, Roasted Chicken)
mjd   Monday, May 03, 2004, 01:45 GMT
True, they're saying "ice tea" (I say it myself), but it's incorrect. That's pretty much all I was saying. It's said that way because it's easier to pronounce when speaking colloquially than "iced tea" (the same applies to the others).

For one to write that way...I think it looks foolish.
English   Monday, May 03, 2004, 01:52 GMT
There's one shortening like those though that became standard. ''ice cream'' used to be called ''iced cream'' but then that was shortened to ''ice cream'' and ''ice cream'' became standard and now ''iced cream'' is archaic.
mjd   Monday, May 03, 2004, 02:56 GMT
You've got me on that one.
Chilli   Monday, May 03, 2004, 16:22 GMT
It's just language stream-lining itself more and more. Only about fifty years ago it was 'correct' to write today as to-day. Compound words are like language change that you can see right before your eyes. But I digress.

With regards to old fashioned, though, I have never seen it written as 'old fashion' round here, and rarely hear it said like that, not that that means much.