worry/ worrying

esssse   Friday, November 05, 2004, 21:10 GMT
-Have you fixed the tap?
-Why is it worrying you so much?/ Why does it worry you so much?

Which is the correct one?
If both, what is the difference?

It's a Present Simple/ Continuous exercise and I really don't know what they are driving at.
Thanks in advance
Someone   Saturday, November 06, 2004, 01:43 GMT
"Why does it worry you so much?" is correct. I can't really explain it though.
esssse   Saturday, November 06, 2004, 08:20 GMT
Thanks a lot :) If you're a native speaker of English, you know something and can't explain it, it must be right.
D   Saturday, November 06, 2004, 23:05 GMT
Traditionally, English did not use the forms "he is worrying me", "he is loving me", "he is distressing me" etc. When something causes you to have a certain emotion, this rule said that you should not use the verb to be.

This rule is fading of late -- see the McDonalds tagline "I am loving it"
which they render as "I'm loving it". That line seems out of place to many native speakers.

Apparently, the line "Winston tastes good like a cigarrette should"
sounded similarly strange 50 years abou, because then people
said "as" instead of "like" in sentences like that.