What's the correct pronunciation of ''new'', ''Tuesday'', ''suit'

Juan Duzo   Wednesday, December 01, 2004, 03:56 GMT
I'm a foreigner from Pakistan lerning how to pronounce the English language corectly and I was wondering how these words are suppose to be pronounced. What is the correct way to pronounce these words,

new- noo or nyoo?
Tuesday- Toozday or Tyoozday?
due - doo or dyoo?
suit - soot or syoot?
super - sooper or syooper?
lute - loot or lyoot?
blue - bloo or blyoo?
rude - rood or ryood?
rule - rool or ryool?
threw - throo or thryoo?
chute - shoot or shyoot?
chew - choo or chyoo?
June - Joon or Jyoon?
Adam   Wednesday, December 01, 2004, 05:13 GMT
The version without the 'y'.
Tiffany   Wednesday, December 01, 2004, 06:12 GMT
I'd say generally without the 'y' too, but as I was saying a few to myself I was surprised that both versions sounded fine time. I usually only insert the 'y' when I am emphasizing the word.

As for new though, I tend to pronounce new as noo and knew as nyoo.
Enuff Znuff   Wednesday, December 01, 2004, 06:19 GMT
People, stop feeding the trolls! This person asks the same things over and over again.
Jim   Wednesday, December 01, 2004, 06:23 GMT
new - nyoo - /nju:/
Tuesday - Choozday - /tSu:zdei/
due - joo - /dZu:/

Otherwise the versions without the "y"
Brennus   Wednesday, December 01, 2004, 06:28 GMT
Dear Juan,

A study done by the University of Missouri some years ago found
that there were some class differences regarding the pronunciation of the word "duke" with upper-income Ameicans saying dyuk and lower- and middle-income Americans saying dook. Hopefully no troll being fed here.
mjd   Thursday, December 02, 2004, 08:48 GMT

The answer to your question depends on which accent you're looking to adopt.
Juan Duzo   Friday, December 03, 2004, 01:57 GMT
mjd, well, what's the mostest common pronunciation of those words? With or without the ''y'' sound after the consonant?
Tiffany   Friday, December 03, 2004, 02:09 GMT
My Pronunciation
I will put my common pronunciation first. Words in parenthesis after my common pronunciation mean I find them acceptable pronunciations and will occasionally use them as well.

new- noo (nyoo)
Tuesday- Toozday (Tyoozday)
due - doo (dyoo)
suit - soot (syoot)
super - sooper
lute - loot
blue - bloo
rude - rood
rule - rool
threw - throo
chute - shoot
chew - choo
June - Joon

Note that my common pronunciation of these words all exclude the 'y'.
Juan Duzo   Friday, December 03, 2004, 02:09 GMT
my dictionary says that those words have a ''y'' sound but says that it's optional. My question is, which should I use?
Reggie   Friday, December 03, 2004, 02:29 GMT
Whichever you like.
Erimir   Friday, December 03, 2004, 08:37 GMT
The ones with the 'y' are more likely to be used by Brits.

I live in America and have never heard (from an American):

nyu for new (always nu)
tyoob for tube (always toob)
syooper for super (always sooper)
shyoot for chute (always shoot)
Jyoon for June (always Joon)

I even have difficulty just trying to say

ryool for rule (rool)
thryoo for threw (throo)
lyoot for lute (loot)

much less saying them in my everyday speech. I've never heard anyone say those words that way either.
Brennus   Friday, December 03, 2004, 23:21 GMT

Dear Juan,

If you check just Dictionary.Com for each of these words on the internet it will give you their proper pronunciations. You will find that Some words like chew and rule can be pronounced only as choo and rool. However, duke and new have two pronunciations dyuk and dook or nyu and noo. This appears to be a class phenomenon.

English is not the only language that has class differences. For example, in Spanish, words like Navidad (Christmas) , pulga (flea), pero (but), tampoco (either) and quiere (he wants) are often pronounced as navida, navia , puga, pedo, tamporo and kede by lower class Spanish speakers.