"He is beautiful"

Mxsmanic   Sunday, June 05, 2005, 02:05 GMT
Beautiful is not an adjective normally applied to men, but there's nothing gramatically incorrect about doing so. It has no implication of homosexuality, but it does sound a bit odd. Beautiful and pretty may imply a certain feminity in appearance when applied to men, and pretty in particular may imply attractiveness in a male-model sort of way, a kind of attractiveness that appeals as much (or more) to male homosexuals than it does to female heterosexuals. It doesn't necessarily imply that the man in question is himself homosexual, though.

Similarly, handsome is not an adjective normally applied to women. However, in this case, when a woman is described as handsome, it usually means she is attractive in an abstract aesthetic way, but she is not sexually appealing. Matronly is another adjective often used in similar contexts.