Nissa la Bella

Mario   Wed May 14, 2008 3:58 pm GMT
Is Nissart an Occitan dialet or a Gallo Italian language (Ligurian)?

O la miéu bella Nissa
Regina de li flou
Li tiéu viehi taulissa
Iéu canterai toujou
Canterai li mountagna,
lou tiéu tan ric decor,
Li tiéu verdi campagna;
lou tiéu gran soleu d’or.
Toujou je canterai
souta li tieu tournella
la tiéu mar d’azur
lou tiéu ciel pur;
e toujou griderai
en la miéu ritournella:
Viva, viva Nissa la Bella.
Alessandro   Wed May 14, 2008 4:02 pm GMT
It's really similar to my dialet (occidental lombard).

Complete versione:

Nissa la Bella
Viva, viva, Nissa la Bella
O la miéu bella Nissa
Regina de li flou
Li tiéu viehi taulissa
Iéu canterai toujou.
Canterai li mountagna
Lu tiéu tant ric decor
Li tiéu verdi campagna
Lou tiéu gran soulèu d'or
Toujou iéu canterai
Souta li tiéu tounella
La tiéu mar d’azur
Lou tiéu cièl pur
E toujou griderai
en la miéu ritournella
Viva, viva, Nissa la Bella
Canti la capelina
La rosa e lou lilà
Lou Pouòrt e la Marina
Paioun, Mascouinà !
Canti la soufieta
Doun naisson li cansoun
Lou fus, la coulougneta,
La miéu bella Nanoun.
Canti li nouòstri gloria
L’antic e bèu calèn
Dòu dounjoun li vitoria
L’oudou dòu tiéu printemp !
Canti lou vielh Sincaire
Lou tiéu blanc drapèu
Pi lou brès de ma maire
Dòu mounde lou plus bèu
Guest   Wed May 14, 2008 4:38 pm GMT
it is considered to be basically an occitan dialect, but with some Italian and ligurian influences
Guest   Wed May 14, 2008 4:47 pm GMT
Seems 100% piedmontese.
Guest   Wed May 14, 2008 4:53 pm GMT

Listening is a border language more Ligurian than Occitan, with a French accent.
PARISIEN   Wed May 14, 2008 5:08 pm GMT
Nissart is subdialect of Provençal Occitan.

But French influence has taken its toll, for instance in
"Toujou je canterai " or "Iéu canterai toujou":
- non pro-drop,
- "toujou" is an import from French "toujours" (there is also the form "totjorn" in other Occitan dialects) ; in classical Occitan it used to be "sempre" (just like in Catalan or Italian)
Guest   Wed May 14, 2008 7:13 pm GMT
In Cote d'Azur there are more Arabic speakers then Nissart. Nissart is an extinct language.
Guest   Wed May 14, 2008 9:03 pm GMT
« Is Nissart an Occitan dialect or a Gallo Italian language (Ligurian)? »

It is a dialect of Occitan. If you compare the version above, which is written in "Mistralian norm" (which is more phonetic and conforms to French orthography), with a version written in "classical norm", it looks no different from lengadocian oriental.

Niça la Bèla

Viva, viva, Niça la Bèla
Ò la mieu bèla Niça
Regina de li flors
Li tieus vielhi teulissas
Ieu canterai totjorn.
Canterai li montanhas
Li tieus tant rics decòrs
Li tieus verdi campanhas
Lo tieu gran soleu d'òr [d'aur]

Totjorn ieu canterai
Sota li tieus tonèlas
La tieu mar d’azur
Lo tieu cièl [cèu] pur
E totjorn griderai
En la mieu ritornèla
Viva, viva, Niça la Bèla

Canti la capelina
La ròsa e lo lillà
Lo Pòrt e la Marina
Palhon, Mascoinà !
Canti la sofieta
Dont naisson li cançons
Lo fus, la colonheta,
La mieu bèla Nanon.

Canti li nòstri glòrias
L’antic e bèu calen
Dau donjon li victòrias
L’odor dau tieu primtemps!
Canti lo vielh Sincaire
Lo tieu blanc drapèu
Pi lo brèç de ma maire
Dau monde, lo plus bèu
Guest   Thu May 15, 2008 8:32 am GMT
You have to listen not to read. Writing can be manipulated, by parts (French, Italian, Occitan, Ligurian or Piedmontese). I think Nissart is Nissart.
Look this:
Alessandro   Fri May 16, 2008 9:14 am GMT
"You have to listen not to read."

I think it is true. There are words the are the same in my Lombard language (identical with the same pronounce), but written in different mode in French or classical orthography.

What I can ear, are a lot of words present in my dialect, and some words of French and Italian.

Are there some people from Nice/Nissa/Nizza?
Guest   Sat May 17, 2008 8:47 pm GMT
« You have to listen not to read. Writing can be manipulated, by parts (French, Italian, Occitan, Ligurian or Piedmontese). I think Nissart is Nissart. »

Do you think Nissart sounds that much different from this ?

or this ?
Guest   Sun May 18, 2008 12:11 am GMT
Que bellas son las lenguas occitanas.