French translation

Guest   Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:41 pm GMT
« Can you tell in which region the speaker lives--e.g. Île-de-France, or Normandy, or Quebec etc. from the accent, or is it impossible to determine? »

Impossible to determine, because his pronounciation is too different from any existing French accent.

« The speaker is not from Japan or Korea. »

OK. At any rate he's a speaker of a language with a L-R merger, the impossibility to end a word with a consonant (hence the extra O's and U's), the nasalisation of O's and A's when followed by an N, and that so peculiar U that is somewhere in between the French U and E.
Guest   Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:31 am GMT
"Impossible to determine, because his pronounciation is too different from any existing French accent. "

The guy could have learned French anywhere, his command of the pronounciation is still too basic to allow any assessment as for his current location. He's obviously a beginner.

"OK. At any rate he's a speaker of a language with a L-R merger, the impossibility to end a word with a consonant (hence the extra O's and U's), the nasalisation of O's and A's when followed by an N, and that so peculiar U that is somewhere in between the French U and E."

Hey, isn't he Italian ?
(well, that sensation is possibly biased by his name 'Roberto')
The Speaker   Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:09 pm GMT
>> Hey, isn't he Italian ?
(well, that sensation is possibly biased by his name 'Roberto') <<

Actually not. The name was chosen completely arbitrarily. The original paragraph did not include a name. The passage was borrowed from the following website (last version):
Guest   Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:47 pm GMT
<<The passage was borrowed from the following website (last version):

All the translations offered are full of mistakes. Now for something correct:

Je m'appelle ... et j'ai quinze ans. Je vais au lycée de "Notre Dame de Curley d'archevêque" (Could anyone confirm the translation for this name ?). Ma mère est une conductrice de transports spécialisés mais malheureusement mon père est décédé. J'ai une sœur et un frère mais je ne les ai encore jamais rencontrés. Quand j'aurai terminé le lycée, je veux devenir journaliste télé. J'espère que tu me verras à la télé sur la 7 dans dix ans. J'adore lire et m'amuser.
Guest   Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:59 pm GMT
<<Hey, isn't he Italian ?
(well, that sensation is possibly biased by his name 'Roberto')>>

- L's and R's are pronounced differently in Italian
- U is not the vowel they would most naturally add to a word ending with a consonant.
- They pronounce U like the French OU, not somewhere in between the French U and E.
The Speaker   Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:01 pm GMT
I'll give you a hint. The accent is mostly fake. Now where do you think I'm from? Or did I do such a good job at covering up my accent that you can't tell? (And it's not Japan or Korea or Italy)