What makes French a Latin-Germanic mixed language

Mr Guest   Fri May 08, 2009 6:39 pm GMT
<<Look around you. Your capitol, why do you named it so? Isn't it remembering the symbol and the mining of the true CAPITOL of ROME?>>

You know something--you are right...We need to tear down those ghastly edifices IMMEDIATELY and construct new ones FAST.

Thank you Lucca, (whew) that was close. We don't want to give off the wrong impression.
Buddy   Fri May 08, 2009 6:58 pm GMT
<<Belive me I truly agree wth you: you don't follow ROMAN CULTURE simply because peaple like you are dreaming of it.>>

Why would we dream of/for it?

Does a Roman dream and long for Athens, or for Egypt or for Troy? The Romans, if they could see us, are dreaming of *us*. Even the Italians. If Rome were so grand, why did so many Italians flee to the US for refuge and a better life.

I've been to Italy. Several times. I saw the corn growing on every available patch of dirt beside the roadways, I saw your dinky automobiles, and your gypsies. I've smelled your air. I'd rather live here a thousand times over.

Rome. That place 2000 years ago Rome? We don't call it an Arena because of you. It's because that's the word for it in our tongue. Honestly, I didn't even know there *was* a Capitol in Rome.

So, please, do not make assumptions about the way we feel towards certain things because you see a part of yourself in them. You are being arrogant and smug and a little presumptuous sir.
Lobo   Fri May 08, 2009 7:04 pm GMT
Ouest change le titre qui devrait être: ''What makes English a Latin-Germanic mixed language'' beaucoup plus approprié. L'anglais possède plusieurs des arguments que tu as apporté, toi et certains autres qui t'ont appuyé. Tu mélanges toutes les cartes. Revise tes livres sur la linguistique et approfondi tes connaissances sur le français, car je crois que tu as plutôt lu sur l'anglais.
Muj   Fri May 08, 2009 7:17 pm GMT
I didn't even know there *was* a Capitol in Rome.
HAHAHAHAHAAH!!! IT's NOT POSSIBLE!!! Capitol is even a Latin word...The idiocy of those americans is simply umbelievable!! It's sadly comical. The usual presumptuous, arrogant, ignoramus american idiot.
Everyone in the world knows very well this human specimen.
I have been in America few times and I saw that the country is plentiful of this kind of brainless, but luckily there are other smart ones (the minority though).
A suggestion. Don't eat again and get mor eobese because you can be an easy target for people who usually shoot everywhere on your streets.
Streets which are so safe, evrybody knows that...

Monsieur M.
Leasnam   Fri May 08, 2009 7:24 pm GMT
<<Ouest change le titre qui devrait être: ''What makes English a Latin-Germanic mixed language'' beaucoup plus approprié. L'anglais possède plusieurs des arguments que tu as apporté, toi et certains autres qui t'ont appuyé. Tu mélanges toutes les cartes. Revise tes livres sur la linguistique et approfondi tes connaissances sur le français, car je crois que tu as plutôt lu sur l'anglais. >>

English doesn't really have any Italic or Latin features other than the vocabulary, which as someone mentioned above is only like sprinkles on a cake. You can take away all the latin words and English is still a language. We would have to create new words to fill in some gaps, but it could eath be done. For instance, without 'subduct' we could definitely replace it with "undelead" and so on.

But based on the conjectures put forth for Romance and French--if you remove the germanic qualities of French (those postulated in this thread)--necessary verbal constructions, phonemes, pronoun requirements, articles, certain interrogative structures--you might still have somewhat of a language, but one far greater impaired than the English scenario bewritten above. Again, French would have to improvise, but the improvisation would probably result in a language further away from what we know today as French and turn out to be more like Occitan or Italian, I ween.
Lobo   Fri May 08, 2009 7:28 pm GMT
''<<Btw, it´s typical Germanic to be fan of "Latinité" - Latin learning and drinking latte macchiato is very popular in Germany.>>

This is where French have got it, from Charlemagne their german ancestor. He was biggest fan.
Peut-être l'amour de Latinité est une indication sûre que l'on est un Teuton? ''

Ce n'est pas une question d'amour mais une question de réalité historique et surtout linguistique!

''So some stuffy old man Architect note a style beghasted by Rome, so what! No one who looks at those buildings thinks of ancient Roman coloseums, maybe Greek, but nor rustic Roman.''

Wake up man!!! Look carefully
george s   Fri May 08, 2009 8:13 pm GMT
<<HAHAHAHAHAAH!!! IT's NOT POSSIBLE!!! Capitol is even a Latin word...The idiocy of those americans is simply umbelievable!! It's sadly comical.>>

This isn't comical. You're just not that important in the world or to the average American. This sounds strange to you, because Rome is regionally important, but you cannot see outside of your own little world over there. You are guilty of your own accusations. You're assuming that what is important to you is also important to us (like the Capitol being associated with the Capitol in Rome--that's not what we need to now about the US Capitol). We have progressed beyond this and in a direction away from you (I know that's hurtful and sounds harsh, but it's true). Only Europeans say these kinds of things about Americans, that we are arrogant, etc, . I think it's because you don't feel regarded anymore because your pedestal is not the highest, because we are more focused on the Japanese and Asia than you and you are not where you think you deserve to be in our minds. If this is "arrogant" than so be it.

You wouldn't react this way to a Yakut fisherman saying the same thing, or a Chinaman or a Mayan. I know about their cultures, so I am learned. I just don't feel the need to know about yours. Who do you think you are? Do we as Americans *have* to play fiddle to you and your way of life specifically--more than anyone else's? We are attentive to other peoples other nations, you just happen to be not one of them. How selfish and arrogant of you. You have been spoiled. I think you are offended because we cause you to realise how insignificant you really are in the world and you don't like. So you call us "arrogant". Whatever.

See, you say brainless because we don't know about YOU specifically (because we fill our minds with more important things, like things OTHER than you). We know about black holes in outer space, and spend our days advancing genetics and technology, but because we fail to stop and pay attention to YOU you cry. Look, you're not that important. Europe is not that important. Get over yourselves. We're not brainless. You are stupid and childish. I am ashamed to claim Europe as my home.

<<The idiocy of those americans is simply umbelievable!! It's sadly comical. The usual presumptuous, arrogant, ignoramus american idiot. >>
The way you rant here is what I would call "idiocy"

<<Wake up man!!! Look carefully >>
Those things might be there, but we are acclimated to them. S. Europeans seem to give them more significance than we do. They are the things we rollen our eyen at.
to mr Bud buddy   Fri May 08, 2009 9:07 pm GMT
Idiotic tacky guy, you have the rubbish in your head. We know you are sadly retarded, you don’t have to prove it.
Yes I am presumptuous, it's so easy when taliking to low level people like you.
This pathetic attempt to slur Europe with your idiotic American crappy-clichés is truly pathetic. Your country due everything to Europe and its symbols are Roman, egregious dickhead. Even the retarded as you knows that. You even don’t know your own country. Luckily FOR US we don’t share anything with your country. Nobody can pay me enough to leave Europe to live in your stinky cities or in your deep nothing.
At least be original and creative, but you can’t. Your education doesn’t allow you that. Why when someone tells the truth is “presumptuous”? And even if someone is “presumptuous” why can’t be? Do you want arrogance & presumptuousness like your distinctive brand only?
You cannot even distinguish Roman and Greek! If you even know where Greek or Romans are. LOL
I think your cheesy idiocy is even worst of your ignorance, luckily all the world knows how stupid you are.
Stay in your hideous prairie in the deep ass of the world to count bison shits.
As you see it's so easy to slur people, it's what you have done since present times. Building stereotypes is your favourite hobby, it's enough to see your movies. It's time you try to do something else. If you are able.
Demented cow-sheperd
Guest   Fri May 08, 2009 9:19 pm GMT
<<I think it's because you don't feel regarded anymore because your pedestal is not the highest, because we are more focused on the Japanese and Asia than you and you are not where you think you deserve to be in our minds. If this is "arrogant" than so be it. >>

Why should any undue deference be expected from a nation that is a mixture of european, hispanic, asian, african etc? Just because Europeans love American movies, fast food, music etc, you shouldn't overestimate how highly you are placed on the "pedestal". Sure there are some clever Americans, no doubt, but also many are dumb as evidenced by the electing of Bush for two terms.
Paul   Fri May 08, 2009 9:38 pm GMT
<<Sure there are some clever Americans, no doubt, but also many are dumb >>

Yes, and clearly the same doesn't apply to Europeans.

melvin   Fri May 08, 2009 9:47 pm GMT
Vous ne pouvez rien contre l'Histoire, les américains. Notre culture occidentale doit beaucoup à l'empire romain, et c'est très bien, pas besoin de la remplacer parce que vous êtes racistes des "latins méditerranéens", et que vous ne pouvez pas supporter devoir votre mode de vie à des gens comme "ça". Vous encensez tout ce qui est d'origine germanique comme si c'était une race supérieur... le dernier qui a fait ça a mal fini.
Guest   Fri May 08, 2009 10:10 pm GMT
<<Yes, and clearly the same doesn't apply to Europeans.

*sarcasm* >>
Naturally. I was just countering george s' statement that Americans are all spending their days "advancing genetics and technology". Clearly not the case.
Monitor   Fri May 08, 2009 10:28 pm GMT
Stay on the topic everyone!
Lobo   Fri May 08, 2009 11:16 pm GMT
Ouest:«Lobo: From the many French loan words, especially those belonging to the domain of courtly life and chivalry, only a few examples are given here: cameriere/cameniere 'servant', bottelgier/bottelier 'cupbearer' (='butler'!), garsoen 'squire', tapijt 'carpet', faisaen 'pheasant', taerte 'tart'.


Do you mean French loan words or Frankish loan words?»

Pourrait-tu nous proposer un texte en francique par exemple, afin qu'on puisse le comparer une fois pour toute avec du français moderne et du latin, au lieu de nous lancer constamment les mêmes sornettes.
CID   Fri May 08, 2009 11:59 pm GMT
<<Pourrait-tu nous proposer un texte en francique par exemple, afin qu'on puisse le comparer une fois pour toute avec du français moderne et du latin, au lieu de nous lancer constamment les mêmes sornettes. >>

You should be aware that, like texts in Old French, there are very few texts in Frankish because at this time in Medieval Europe all texts were being written in Latin.

This is why it is important to be able to do analysis work to cover the gaps caused by lack of "proofs"