
eng   Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:09 am GMT
we often use following phrases in conversation...
what the HELL is wrong with you..
oh my dear GOD...
for the LOVE OF GOD...
what the F**K...
oh jesus..
oh mother of god..
can you tell me some more phrases like this or some link where i can find these phrases
R M   Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:41 am GMT
I have been to Hell.

If you increase the magnification you will see Hel is in the centre of the map.

I believe the name comes from 'Hella' or Light.

The phrases that you are looking for are all found in the Bible.

Why don't you just google these various words. You could also try 'damn', and 'damnation'. I would imagine living in Pakistan or Afghanistan is as close to hell as you are likely to get.

(Only joking - no need to take offence!)


Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In many religious traditions, Hell is a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife, often in the underworld. Religions with a linear divine history ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell - Cached - Similar
Kitsch   Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:24 pm GMT
If you were just looking for blasphemous phrases and inertjections, eng, the following are some of my favorites:

My God!
Oh, my God!
My Lord!
Mary, Mother Of Jesus!
Oh, for the love of Jesus!
Oh, for the love of God!
Oh, Jesus Mary and Joseph!
Peter, Paul and the Apostles!
Jesus Christ on a Cross!
Christ on a Cross!
Jesus H. Christ!
Jesus Christ Bananas!
For the love of everything holy!
For the love of God!
For the love of Jesus!
Damn you!
Damn your mother!
Damn your eyes!
Damn you to hell!
Damn it all!
Got to hell!
Going to hell in a handbasket.
What the hell?
Who the hell?
Cold as hell.
Hot as hell.
One hell of a (helluva) good time.
Like a bat out of hell.
infidel   Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:46 pm GMT
damn hot
damn cold
a whole heck of a