
lingophile   Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:58 am GMT
Hello to all!

I just want to know if anybody among you can tell what Skadinavinsk(a) is. I heard that it's a Swedish based speech with norwegian and danish words thrown but has no standard written form yet and used among the Nordics as a lingua franca.

Please reply to this message! Big thanks!
gen   Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:53 pm GMT
You're thinking of Svorsk. I believe that Skandinavinsk is a constructed language based on the Scandinavian (most likely only the Continental Scandinavian) languages. It's not really all that necessary IMO, as the Continental Scandinavian languages are for the most part rather mutually intelligible, especially in written form.
PARISIEN   Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:28 pm GMT
Le skandinaviska n'est ni une norme fixée ni un langage construit, c'est juste un compromis par lequel des locuteurs de différentes langues scandinaves évitent les termes et les prononciations trop spécifiques à leur langue pour maximiser l'intercompréhension. Des habitants de Copenhague et Malmö s'entendront sur un skandinavisk différent de celui employé entre des originaires de Göteborg-Karlstad-Oslo, ou de Östersund-Trondheim.

Bref, c'est une notion flexible et évolutive, adaptable selon les circonstances (tout comme le Mid-Atlantic English, d'ailleurs).
m   Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:11 pm GMT
>> (tout comme le Mid-Atlantic English, d'ailleurs) <<

I don't think that's the best comparison. Mid_Atlantic English is not designed to be more comprehensible on the other side of the pond, but rather to sound like the other form of English. For example, to a Brit, Mid-Atlantic English sounds the same as General American, whereas to Americans it sounds like Received Pronunciation.
PARISIEN   Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:22 pm GMT
<< I don't think that's the best comparison. >>

-- I agree, the comparison is not quite satisfactory since British and U.S. English are not separate languages. I just wanted to point out that the similarity with Skandinavisk(a) is the fact that it's a flexible concept, depending on who and where.