Jiaul'al. gah Qint'al. (L'oiseau et l'enfant in Taiwanese)

Little Tadpole   Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:16 pm GMT
Hi Swedishgirl,

You are not Swedish. You are Chinese.

I've been all over Europe. You have not.
Swedishgirl   Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:03 am GMT
"Little Tadpole Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:16 pm GMT
Hi Swedishgirl,

You are not Swedish. You are Chinese.

I've been all over Europe. You have not. "

Vad some helst! Jag tror att du e varken taiwanes eller kines.
Jag kan inte tro att du varit i hela Europa!

I am Swedish,not Chinese, but my major at university is Chinese history.
So I personally know most asians especially for non-Europeans will confuse the difference between Sweden and Switzerland.So,from your posting, you mentioned "German part". I can tell you my language is "Swedish", not "German" or "Swiss German".
So, it proves that you have never been all over Europe because Europeans don't confuse these two countries: Sweden and Switzerland.
Little Dragonfly   Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:54 am GMT
甚麼 Pe̍h-ōe-jī ,甚麼 Tadpolenese,一隻癩蛤蟆,一隻老青蛙,各有各的優點和弱點,幹嘛一天到晚呱呱呱的吵個不停,鴨子啊,蜻蜓啊,烏龜啊,魚兒啊......都被你們兩個給煩死了!
Little Tadpole   Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:26 pm GMT
Where did I ever confuse Sweden and Switzerland? I've been to Denmark, Germany, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Monaco, UK. From the cold Russian winter in Saint Petersburg to the sunny beach in Nice. Your Swedish is always a machine-generated-like one-liner. Your English is the worst of all Swedes I have seen. So, so Chinese-ized,

"Just see how low your education is! "
"Computer has made by Americans,"
"Hundreds ago, Chinese linguists claimed Vietnamese belong to their language family,"

What makes a Chinese guy pretend he is a Swedish girl? I wonder.

Ich kann natürlich auch auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ich sage es nie,
daß ich ein Deutscher bin!

Little Dragonfly: "甚麼 Pe̍h-ōe-jī ,甚麼 Tadpolenese,一隻癩蛤蟆,一隻老青蛙,各有各的優點和弱點,幹嘛一天到晚呱呱呱的吵個不停,鴨子啊,蜻蜓啊,烏龜啊,魚兒啊......都被你們兩個給煩死了"

Little Dragonfly   Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:45 pm GMT
Little Tadpole

Swedishgirl   Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:46 am GMT
"Little Tadpole Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:26 pm GMT
Where did I ever confuse Sweden and Switzerland? I've been to Denmark, Germany, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Monaco, UK. From the cold Russian winter in Saint Petersburg to the sunny beach in Nice. Your Swedish is always a machine-generated-like one-liner. Your English is the worst of all Swedes I have seen. So, so Chinese-ized,

"Just see how low your education is! "
"Computer has made by Americans,"
"Hundreds ago, Chinese linguists claimed Vietnamese belong to their language family,"

What makes a Chinese guy pretend he is a Swedish girl? I wonder.

Ich kann natürlich auch auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ich sage es nie,
daß ich ein Deutscher bin!

Little Dragonfly: "甚麼 Pe̍h-ōe-jī ,甚麼 Tadpolenese,一隻癩蛤蟆,一隻老青蛙,各有各的優點和弱點,幹嘛一天到晚呱呱呱的吵個不停,鴨子啊,蜻蜓啊,烏龜啊,魚兒啊......都被你們兩個給煩死了"

一首歌就討論了整個星期.呵呵,真無聊.自卑感太重了,東方人"儒家思想"/"亞洲價值"的結果.這代的人是沒救了,只能救救下一代. "

It's true that Americans made computer. No one can deny it. But I saw you try to deny it. It's also true that Chinese linguists claimed that Vietnamese belong to their language family because I read this from my Swedish textbooks. So, you don't know anything. What a foolish guy like you!

What makes a silly guy who always like to say Swedish girl be a Chinese guy? I wonder because I think this guy "Little Tadpole" is a mentally or physically ill because he can not accept the reality that he is a loser in this discussion.
Btw, not every Swede is good in English. Your subjective impression is not true. I didn't say you were German, but I just wanna mention that Swedish including Finnish doesn't make something like "oe","ae" etc. It's only Germans make it. So, your thinking is just foolish because you don't know anything but German. Besides you make German to judge both Finnish and Swedish. What a foolish attitude you made!
song   Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:26 am GMT
What a charming song!
Goodnews   Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:56 pm GMT
> Little Tadpole Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:10 pm GMT
> 其实,在全部汉语的拼音方式里面,只有摩登蝌蚪字有资格被称为拼音文字。其他的都是拼音音标。拿其他的拼音系统要跟蝌蚪字比,简直是开玩笑。
> 蝌蚪字只不过是一个科学实验,证明汉语,或是说,汉语方言,可以真正地达到拼音文字的地步。我没有兴趣讨论音标,我只搞文字,不搞音标。

The syllabic writing system (音节文字), alphabetic writing system (拼音文字) and phonetic transcription (音标) are different symbol system for language's record.

A. syllabic writing system (音节文字):
(these kinds of syllabograms are based on Latin alphabet script; 1. with tonal diacritic marks, or 2. with tonal spelling letters)

1. with tonal diacritic marks
Pe̍h-ōe-jī (白话字) with tonal diacritic marks
Quốc ngữ (越南文); Vietnamese
Bàng-uâ-cê (平话字); Foochowese
Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音); Mandarin

2. with tonal spelling letters
Tadpolenese (蝌蚪字)
Gwoyeu Romatzyh (国语罗马字)
Hmong RPA (苗文)

B. alphabetic writing system (拼音文字):
(without tonal diacritic marks, or tonal spelling letters)

Written Tibetan (藏文)
Latinxua Sin Wenz (拉丁化新文字)
Written Dungan (东干文)
Peh-oe-ji (白话字) without tonal diacritic marks

C. phonetic transcription (音标):
broad transcription
narrow transcription

In China and Taiwan there are using the Pe̍h-ōe-jī (poj) with tonal diacritic marks. The Peh-oe-ji without tonal diacritic marks are used in the Hokkienese of South East Asia.
Goodnews   Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:44 am GMT
> Swedishgirl
> Little Tadpolense

alphabetic writing system:
in romanized Swedish or German the "syllables" are expressed in
"vowels x consonants".

(these vowels of å, ä, ö, with diacritic marks mean the "vowels" of syllables.)

syllabic writing system:
in romanized "tonal languages" the "syllables" are expressed in
"initials x finals x tones".

1. with tonal diacritic marks
examples: Pe̍h-ōe-jī
(these vowels of e̍, ō, á, è, â, with diacritic marks mean the 1. "vowels" and 2. "tones" of syllables.)

2. with tonal spelling letters:
examples: Tadpolenese
qint'al, (qin'a)
hour, (hou)
laln, (lan)
aic, (ai)
(these consonant of t, r, l, c, etc. mean the "tones" of syllables.)

alphabetic writing system:
in romanized "tonal languages" the "syllables" are expressed in
"initials x finals".

Written Tibetan
Latinxua Sin Wenz
Written Dungan

examples: Latinxua Sin Wenz