English in movies, meaning of these 2 sentences.

Sam   Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:07 am GMT
Hello !
Could anyone please explain me the meaning of these two sentences picked from Final Destination and Rat Trace ?

You know, like when a praire dog, it sticks its head in and out of the ground.

Did you, aaa..., believe we would titty-fuck them over Greenland?
Uriel   Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:36 pm GMT
Well, prairie dogs are large, fat rodents that live in underground tunnels and stick their heads up out of the ground to see what's going on up there.

Not sure what titty-fucking has to do with Greenland. Might be a bit cold for such an activity.
Robert   Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:10 pm GMT
Neither of these two lines contains a standard American idiomatic expression, if that's what you're looking for, Sam. Nothing like "sitting in the catbird seat" or "fuck off and die". They could be extremely regional, like Bill Clinton's expression "we're down to the lick-block", but I rather doubt that.

This might come as a surprise to some, but American movies don't always make sense. Screenwriters and producers are often satisfied by a bit of unusual imagery or an illogical simile.

Prairie dogs bob their heads up and down out of excitement at the approach of a predator. I can't imagine what The Final Destination had in mind with that metaphor.

Titty-fucking ... well, I see nothing in the forum rules about this sort of thing but it is likely to offend those of more delicate sensibility ... let's just say it's an alternative sexual position in which (I imagine) the woman does not derive as much stimulation as does the man. I can't begin to speculate as to why The Rat Race would involve Greenland in such an activity, but its implication would be that Denmark is the woman whose tits are being, uhm, used.

Your question reminds me of the time some Mexican friends asked me what the title of the James Bond movie "A View to a Kill" means in Spanish. "I'm sorry," I said, "I don't even know what it means in English."
To Sam   Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:09 am GMT
aha sam on rat race when i talks about praire dog, he means that his poo sticks out of his anus :P (not kidding......)
To sam   Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:10 am GMT
that he has to go to poo