Third person singular/past and plural form of 'text'

???   Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:18 pm GMT
I have noticed that here in the UK, some people, myself included, say the following:

I text
He texts
I/He texted
Texts (plural)

Yet I have heard a lot of people say:

I text
He textes
I/He text (past)
Textes (plural)

I wonder why two different sets of morphology have come about, especially regarding the third person/plural addition of 'es' (at least in terms of pronunciation), which doesn't follow the normal pattern in English at all. I mean, no one would refer to multiple texts in a book as 'textes'.

Also, has the same thing happened in the US and other English speaking countries?
spic   Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:47 pm GMT
'xts' is hard to pronounce.
Guest   Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:54 am GMT
"Text" sounds like a past tense. So it feels natural to say "I text you yesterday".
Person A   Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:25 am GMT
Having "text" as past tense sounds off for one reason or another. Though not completely wrong it feels more at home, that is for me, to say "texted".
C.   Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:39 pm GMT
Here in Canada, I've heard both text and texted for the past tense, it's probably 50/50. I've never heard textes for the third person singular, only texts. I actually find textes harder to say!