Spineless language learners

crush the left   Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:51 am GMT
Hi, I noticed that practically all native English speakers who learn other languages are extreme lefties and are rather spineless. They love multiculturalism and as a general rule consider the language they're learning to be superior to English. They often bemoan the fact that they were born in English speaking countries, and even more often bemoan the fact that they're monoglots (because no matter how much they study, they know that deep down they don't have what it takes to be REALLY fluent, and they just CAN NOT reconcile with this brutal truth). They feel as hurt for this reason as the Dutch feel hurt by the fact that they didn't get English as their native language. They go out of their way to search for immigrants and foist themselves upon them and they take pride in the number of immigrant friends they have. The more immigrants the better. The less white the better. The heroes of these people are "polyglots" and they love to go to internet forums and write idealistic, naive "lists" of the 15 languages they're gonna be fluent in by the time they're 25, and the 10 countries they're gonna live in to do it. It goes without saying that there are only people at the stage of planning these great feats of polyglottery, and nobody telling about it in the past tense. If you dare to say that a language lacks culture or soemthing in a similar vein around one of these people they will attack you like there's no tomorrow. Every language is equal, none are superior. All cultures are wonderful. Every language that dies off is a tragedy. Languages are a window into the soul, another way of seeing the world. As many languages as you know, that many times more human you are. And so on. Obviously, they don't like me telling them these statements are false.

For this reason, for us, the non-brainwashed, un-PC people it is a great chore to learn languages simply because of the fact that there are so many lefties everywhere. I have resorted to self-study for this reason alone, I just can't stand those idealistic greeny spineless lefties that make up the majority of classes at universities. Although, since I have a spine and don't fear these degenerates, I must admit it is quite a pleasure to annoy them, but I'm there to learn languages, not crush lefties.

Just an observation...
crush the left   Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:01 am GMT
I forgot the main thing: they feel VASTLY inferior to people who speak more than one language. VASTLY, VASTLY inferior. No matter what, they are filled at once with admiration and irreconcilable envy just at the mere whiff of a foreigner. They often take to apologetics, "man, I wish I could speak another language", "oh my god, you're soooo lucky", "I hate the fact I'm a monoglot". Someone who speaks more languages is BY DEFINITION smarter.

This inferiority complex is painful to watch.
Matematik   Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:42 am GMT
I sort of see where you're coming from, and to an extent I agree. Although, in the Anglo world, I would say Polygots are admired, but not in a "cool" way, in more of a "circus freak" sort of manner.

However, Anglos, particularly British view foreigners as being vastly superior in intelligence and language apptitude to themselves, so British almost expect foreigners to be polygots, and thus love and fuan over them for it. Many British don't even bother learning languages because they feel they simply are genetically inferior to the foreign polygots.

However, if they meet an Anglo polygot, then they do indeed regard him as a freak of nature, and respect him in a way that is not good respect, they would probably avoid him as a weirdo - WHAT NORMAL ENGLISHMAN COULD EVER LEARN A SECOND LANGUAGE?

I think many people in the Anglo world avoid seriously studying second languages for preciesly this reason, if you admit to studying a language past "phrasebook" language, people regard you as a weirdo, a bit of a freak. As if language study is something that superior foreigners do, not British.

Also, I don't think many foreigners themselves help the attitude. Most foreigners are only too happy to tell British people they're shit at learning languages, and shouldn't bother because it will be too hard. And if they do meet an Anglo that has learnt their language to a good level, they will often immediately switch to English as they can't comphrend the idea of an Anglo speaking a second language well. It makes them feel uncomfortable because it contradicts everything they've been brought up to believe as a child.
Loxahatchee Luke   Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:27 pm GMT
<<if you admit to studying a language past "phrasebook" language, people regard you as a weirdo, a bit of a freak.>>

Exactly -- in fact, if you learn a language unnecessarily, people might question your patriotism, and regard you as "unamerican". Even being educated (in liberal arts, anyway), makes you one of those "pointy-headed intellectuals" (to quote Governer George Wallace in his 1968 Presidential campaign.)

In the US, it's best to play dumb.