Which language is the most intellectual?

Chink   Mon May 17, 2010 11:29 pm GMT
Chinese is most influence!

Now all you bow to China!
Carlos I de España   Tue May 18, 2010 4:05 am GMT
<< Why do you hate people who are born into rich families so much? >>

Sorry if I didn't get my point across well.
What I hate are twits who are born into rich families and in spite of having a huge advantage over others in terms of education and economic resources, they use that advantage not to compete in fair play, but to put down anyone less privileged who dare to challenge their status.
If they are so superior plus they have all the added bonus of having all those resources for free, why are they afraid of some black student from a Third World country? It should be no match for them, so why do they have to resort to unfair racist and misleading lies, or even worse?

Instead of being grateful and acknowledge that what they've got is none of their credit, they spread lies all over in order to justify their parasitical existence. To me that's proof that in fact, due to that easy living, they have become lazy, good-for-nothing twats, and they have every reason to fear an equal opportunity scenario.
Irony   Tue May 18, 2010 6:47 am GMT
I must agree that Carlos does seem to be extremely bitter against anyone born into wealth.

I'm guessing he is broke as shit and works in a factory making car doors or something similar.
crunch   Tue May 18, 2010 7:27 am GMT
<<What I hate are twits who are born into rich families and in spite of having a huge advantage over others in terms of education and economic resources, they use that advantage not to compete in fair play, but to put down anyone less privileged who dare to challenge their status. >>

Lol! What about the twits who are born into the Communist Party elite who, in spite of having a huge advantage over others in terms of education and economic resources, they use that advantage not to compete in fair play, but to put down anyone less privileged who dare to challenge their status?

<<If they are so superior plus they have all the added bonus of having all those resources for free, why are they afraid of some black student from a Third World country? >>

If they are so superior plus they have all the added bonus of having all those Party resources for free, why are they afraid of some white student who supports democracy?

<<It should be no match for them, so why do they have to resort to unfair racist and misleading lies, or even worse? >>

It should be no match for them, so why do they have to resort to executing them or locking them up for life without trial?

Instead of being grateful and acknowledge that what they've got is none of their credit, they spread lies all over in order to justify their parasitical Communist existence. To me that's proof that in fact, due to that easy living, they have become despotic, power-addicted, incompetent twats, and they have every reason to fear an equal opportunity OF IDEAS scenario.
Carlos I de España   Tue May 18, 2010 10:05 am GMT
You seem to have watched too many Rambo movies.

If you want to refute any of the facts posted throughout thread you're welcome to do it, if you could.

As an aside commentary, why do all twits use the expression "lol", I mean it's ok for teenagers, but for a grown-up individual makes him look so, well, twitty ...
crunch   Tue May 18, 2010 10:39 am GMT
Answer me one simple question:

How come no one can ever be Communist without killing the opposition?

You can't answer it, you twit. ¡LOL!
Carlos I de España   Tue May 18, 2010 11:49 am GMT
Facts twit, facts.
Where are your sources that prove that the opposition is being killed in Cuba? A Rambo movie?
Or perhaps you're talking about Guantanamo? Well, yes, in that case you are technically correct.

And don't forget that when Pope John Paul II made an historic visit to Cuba, he met with Fidel Castro and only had good words about the "evil" Cuban government.
But he did end his visit with a harsh condemnation of the U.S. embargo against the island. The economic sanctions were "oppressive, unjust and ethically unacceptable," John Paul told President Bill Clinton back then.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2008/04/17/2008-04-17_pope_john_pauls_attack_on_cuba_embargo_s-2.html

The senior spiritual leader of the Orthodox Christian faith also arrived in Cuba in 2004, consecrated a cathedral in Havana and bestowed an honor on Fidel Castro.

So, what do you have to say about that, twit?
Go run under mom's skirt now, twit, she will prepare some warm milk for you and put you a Rambo movie, so you feel better.
Franco   Tue May 18, 2010 11:55 am GMT
Todos los cubanos ahogados tratando de escapar del infierno en que Castro ha convertido esa isla, ¿qué son sino asesinados?.
Carlos I de España   Tue May 18, 2010 12:08 pm GMT
Mas bien parece un caso de imprudencia temeraria

Los dominicanos se echan al mar en un numero superior a 6 veces y eso que les queda mas lejos y no les ofrecen los incentivos que el gobierno de USA ofrece a los cubanos que llegan a sus costas
Franco   Tue May 18, 2010 12:12 pm GMT
Más bien parece que Castro no deja a los cubanos irse de su país en medios más seguros como en avión y tienen que escapar usando coches de los años 50 como balsas para atravesar el mar destino a Miami.
Cuba es un país tan patético que mucha gente prefiere morir devorada por los tiburones o ahogada en el mar antes que pasar allí un segundo más.
bye bye Castro   Tue May 18, 2010 12:40 pm GMT
Una cosa está muy clara. El comunismo cubano va hacia la desintegración. Por magnífico que sea para los pobres, hay mucha gente inteligente y rica trabajando día y noche para que la revolución caiga de una puta vez. Sí, no es tan importante, no es un asunto de envergadura global, pues Cuba no es nada. Pero se trata de una batalla histórica en la que hay que tener la última palabra, cueste lo que cueste. Sí, el embargo no funciona, pero eso no es lo más importante. No hay necesidad de cambiar de política ahora. EEUU puede esperar, Cuba no. EEUU puede aguantar, Cuba no. Para los norteamericanos este asunto es un juego, un pasatiempo, un ejercicio. Para Cuba es una cuestión de vida o muerte.
La Unión Soviética aguantó 70 años, Cuba sólo tiene 50. Queda mucho camino por andar y los detractores no van a ninguna parte. Y las fisuras ya se ven claramente.
Matematik   Tue May 18, 2010 1:29 pm GMT
<<London's The Guardian newspaper lauded Cuba's public healthcare system for what it viewed as its high quality in a Sept. 12, 2007 article.>>

That comes of no suprise, the Guardian is basically a communist newspaper.
Franco   Tue May 18, 2010 5:28 pm GMT
Best healhcare system is the Spanish one. Many people from Morocco, Gibraltar, UK and Romania come to Spain to receive medical attention that they could not afford in their countries.
Marielito   Wed May 19, 2010 1:59 am GMT
Etamos todos luchando para que Cuba se convielta en un pais prospero como los vecinos Haiti o Republica Dominicana.

No desfallescan, el fin de la mejor educacion y sanidad de todas las Americas esta prosimo, (excepto Canada, pero superior al de EEUU),
que se acabe ya de una puta vez, que es eso de que todo el mundo tiene derecho a educacion y sanidad? Solo a los pijos les debe estar pelmitido ! Desvergonzados !!!

se trata de una batalla histolica, pronto Cuba sera como todos esos paises de la orbita usana y los cubanos se lanzaran al mar en un numero 6 veces mayor y rebuscaran en los basureros como hacen en Republica Dominicana, cueste lo que cueste !!!

Etamos luchando dulamente para que eso se ploduzca,
Y ahora cierro mis ojos y sueño que soy un terrateniente en Cuba ...
Franco   Wed May 19, 2010 2:25 am GMT
That communists like you compare Cuba to Republica Dominicana to justify that Cuba is not so bad in the end is shameless and a fallacy. First off, Republica Dominicana always was one of poorest countries in Latin America, whereas Cuba 50 years ago was on par with Argentina and Uruguay, that is Cuba was an afluent country and look what she has been reduced to nowadays. OK, blacks before Castro had poor living conditions, but they still have nowadays, whereas whites who had Western standard of living now live like blacks , at least those who have not migrated to Miami yet. Anyways Republica Dominicana has become richer than Cuba:

Republica Dominicana's GDP per capita: USD $ 5100
Cuba's GDP per capita : USD $ 4800

Not to mention that people have more freedom in Republica Domincana than in Cuba. In Cuba people can't even have access to the Internet, aside from Government's staff. You seem to be one of them given your irrational support to Castro the dictator.