Genocidal dictators living the good life in the Netherlands

crunch   Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:22 pm GMT
The level of PC in Europe and especially the Netherlands is staggering. The Hague is the greatest example of the level to which Europeans have debased themselves to the level of licking the boots of genocidal maniacs.

<<Beyond the brick towers of a Dutch prison just east of here is a compound where former Congolese warlords, Serbian militia leaders and a former Liberian president accused of instigating murder, rape and enslavement are confined in two detention centers with private cells stocked like college dormitories, with wooden bookcases, television sets and personal computers. Among the other amenities are a gym, a trainer, a spiritual room and a common kitchen where some former enemies trade recipes and dine on cevapi, or Balkan meatballs.

Three warlords whose cases are before the International Criminal Court are also receiving free legal aid at a monthly cost of about €35,000, or $43,000. They are classified as indigent, one of them despite assets that include €500,000 in investments, €150,000 in savings, €300,000 in paintings and jewelry, three automobiles and four properties.

But an additional benefit — travel subsidies of tens of thousands of euros for family visits from distant African countries — is stirring an emotional debate among the court’s donor nations about whether the entitlements at the cluster of international courts meeting here have reached their limits. >>

<<The first to tap family travel funds, back in 2006, were the wife and five children of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, 49, a former rebel leader from the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire, who is accused of enslaving child soldiers who were forced to rape, kill and plunder. The court paid more than $16,000 in expenses covering air fare from Kinshasa, two hotel rooms for 15 nights, temporary medical insurance, passport and visa fees and a daily “dignity allowance” of $24 for adults and $12 for children. Court officials also provided winter clothes and a babysitter for the children during conjugal visits. >>

<<This is a court that has existed for seven years and hasn’t finished one trial.>>

Damn! Who would've thought genocide could be a good way to guarantee the prosperity of one's entire family and get free passage into the Netherlands? I'm surprised more people don't do it!

But really, how can PC have reached such absurd heights? Are we really so stupid? If Hitler were alive today, then those of you who accuse Franco of being Hitler could ACTUALLY BE RIGHT! Because Hitler really could be sitting in a cell in the Netherlands posting on Antimoon! LOL!
^^   Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:31 am GMT
Yeaa I agree, Holland is a shit country!
Radovan Karadži&#263;   Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:49 pm GMT
Ah, this is the life.
PC   Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:16 pm GMT
Well, that's just how it is. They were once leaders of countries and presidents, so they get better than your average inmate. It's wrong from a moral viewpoint, but not surprising.