History of the Castilian/spanish language

Luis Zalot   Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:47 pm GMT

Area of Distribution and Number of Speakers

Spanish (Español) is spoken by nearly 400,000,000 persons in Spain, all of Central and South America except Brazil (where the closely related Portuguese language is spoken), as well as in the Canary Islands, parts of Morocco, and the Philippines. In the United States Spanish is used amongst numerous Hispanic communities in California, New Mexico, Texas, Florida, in New York and Chicago, in the free state of Puerto Rico etc. The media in Spanish language are developping very dynamcally in the USA.

Spanish is one of the five official languages of the United Nations.

Origin and History

Spanish dialects developped from the Vulgar Latin which was brought to the Iberian peninsula after the Roman conquest in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. The earliest written materials, in the form of glosses on Latin texts, date from the mid 11th century (see Glossae Aemilianensae), and works of literature in Spanish first appeared c. 1150.

Spanish is also known (particularly in Latin America) as Castilian, after the dialect from which modern standard Spanish developed. That dialect arose in the 9th century around the town of Burgos, in north central Spain (Old Castile), and, as Spain was reconquered from the Moors, spread southward to central Spain (New Castile) around Madrid and Toledo by the 11th century. In the late 15th century the kingdoms of Castile and Leon merged with that of Aragon, and Castilian became the official language of all Spain. The regional dialects of Aragon, Navarre, Leon, Asturias, and Santander were crowded out gradually and today survive only in secluded rural areas. Galician, a Portuguese dialect spoken in northwestern Spain, was also much reduced.

An archaic form of Castilian Spanish, known as Ladino or Judesmo, was preserved among the descendents of the Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492.


Spanish has simplified the Vulgar Latin vocal system to only 5 open vowels (as in Classical Latin) -- a. e, i, o, u -- that are pronounced clearly and without reduction in both stressed and unstressed positions. The vowels, that are short in Classic Latin, diphthongate when stressed in Spanish (see the Occurrence of Diphthongs Replacing Stressed Short Vowels in Romance Languages), except for a, cf.:

CL porta door -> Sp. puerta;
CL herba grass -> Sp. hierba.
The long stressed vowels e, o are replaced by i, u and the short unstressed vowels i, u -- by e, o, cf.:
CL fêci (I) did -> Sp. hice.
The accent may fall on the ultimate, penultimate or antepenultimate syllable. Its place is recognizable from orthography. As compared with the accent of Classical Latin, it shows a tendency to move towards a syllable containing -r, cf.:
CL tenebrae darkness -> Sp. tinieblas.
The Latin consonants p, t, c between vowels are voiced to b, d, g in Spanish, cf.:
CL apotheca (th=t) store-room -> Sp. bodega.
See also the Development of Latin Intervocalic p and t in Romance Languages.
The intervocalic -d- disappears, cf.:

CL cadere to fall -> Sp. caer
and the intervocalic -g- may disappear or become a glide sound [j] written y, cf.
CL legere to read -> Sp. leer
CL reges kings -> Sp. reyes,
while the intervocalic -b- is preserved,
CL habere to have -> Sp. haber.
The initial f- is replaced by a mute h-, cf.
CL facere to do -> Sp. hacer. (old spanish: facer)
The consonant clusters ct, lt are transformed to ch (act to ech), cf.:
CL octo eight -> Sp. ocho,
CL multu(m) much, many -> Sp. mucho,
CL lactuca lettuce -> Sp. lechuga.
See also the Results of Palatalization of Consonant Clusters.
The clusters cl, fl, pl are palatalized to ll, cf.:

Words not used in any other romance language ->

Auxilio -> (CL auxilium)
pulcro -> (CL pulcer)
magno -> (CL magnus)
etc. etc. etc.

CL clamo (I) call -> Sp. llamo/clamo,
CL flama flame -> Sp. llama/flama,
CL ploro (I) weep -> Sp. lloro.
The clusters ali, eli, ili, oli, uli are transformed to aj, ej, ij, oj, uj, cf.:
CL alium garlic -> Sp. ajo,
CL filius son -> Sp. hijo, (old spanish: fijo)
CL mulier woman -> Sp. mujer etc. (means wife or lady, just like CL latin)
The clusters lr, mr, nr are divided by epenthetic -b- or -d- and become ldr, mbr, ndr, as in:
venir to come + he (I) have -> vendré (I) will come.
The words beginning with s- followed by a consonant (s impure) receive a prothetic e-, cf.:
CL stare to stand -> Sp. estar.

yo voy estar (present) yo estare (future) spanish tended to use it's old usage onto it's future tense..

old spanish; eo voi estare. (modern) yo voy estar; (future) yo estare

In Spanish the case system of Latin has been completely lost; except for subject and object forms for pronouns.

Nouns are marked for masculine or feminine gender, and plurals are marked by the addition of -s or -es; adjectives change endings to agree with nouns. The Latin neuter gender survives in a few instances:

in the singular of the definite article lo,
in the demonstrative words esto, eso, and aquello,
and in the third-person objective pronoun lo.
These neuter forms occur only in indefinite and general constructions and in those in which the neuter article, accompanied by an adjective or adverb, forms abstract expressions; thus, lo bueno, lit. the good, means goodness.

The verb system is complex but by and large regular. The four conjugations of Latin have been reduced in Spanish to three; furthermore, regular verbs of the Spanish second and third conjugations differ in only four forms.

Spanish uses indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moods, preterite, imperfect, present, future, conditional, and a variety of perfect and progressive tenses, and passive and reflexive constructions.

The subjunctive mood persists in Spanish with much greater vigor than in most modern Romance languages, having, besides the customary present and imperfect tenses, a second imperfect form derived from the Latin pluperfect indicative.

Auxiliaries are used to form the compound tenses, as in the other Romance languages; for the perfect tenses, the auxiliary in Spanish is always a form of haber to have.

Spanish far exceeds most of the other Romance languages in its idiomatic use of reflexive verbs with special meanings.

As in the other Romance tongues, the Spanish future and conditional indicative are really compounds formed by adding to the entire infinitive (used as a stem) the present and imperfect indicative endings, respectively, of haber.

A peculiar feature of Spanish grammar is the use of the preposition a to before the direct object of a verb if that object is a person; cf.:

Veo a mi padre. I see my father.
The most essential part of the Spanish vocabulary is derived from Vulgar Latin. Thousands of words come from classical Latin and were included in the Spanish vocabulary.

Some words were borrowed from the languages of the pro-Roman inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula (the Iberians and the Celtiberians). The invasion of the Visigoths early in the 5th century AD introduced a few Germanic words; those of them which were beginning with w- received a prothetic g-, cf. Gmc. werra war -> Sp. guerra.

The Muslim conquest in the 8th century later brought in a large number of Arabic words, many of which are easily detected by their polysyllabic structure (cf. berenjena aubergine) or by the prefixed Arabic article al- (cf. alcalde mayor, alfil officer, almohada pillow etc.). See a far from being exhaustive List of the Arabic loan-words in Spanish.

Under the influence, beginning in the 11th century, of French ecclesiastics and pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, the Spanish vocabulary was appreciably augmented by words and phrases from French. During the 15th and 16th centuries an infusion of elements from the Italian occurred because of Aragonese domination in Italy and the great vogue of Italian poetry in Spain. Relations between Spain and its colonies and possessions have led to the introduction of terms from Native American languages and other sources, and scholarly activities have constantly increased the stock of borrowed words.
peggy   Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:53 am GMT
I have heard that the Castilian pronounciation of Spanish is from a lisp that a king spoke with and so the subjects had to follow his lead. Is there any truth to this?
Please help.
Ben   Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:14 am GMT
Also, the Muslim occupation in Spain lasted for 800 years.

“By 714, the Muslim armies had occupied the entire peninsula, apart from the mountainous regions of northern Spain. The Muslim occupation of southern Spain (which the Spanish called Al-Andalus) was to last almost 800 years.”

One of the best result of Arabic (Moorish influence) is flamenco!

“Flamenco is a song, music and dance style which is strongly influenced by the Gitanos, but which has its deeper roots in Moorish and Jewish musical traditions”

Linguistically and culturally, Spain has many Arabic influences, the guttural sounds in Spanish, are traced to Arabic occupation. Some anthropologic studies involving DNA confirmed many Arabic genes throughout Iberia

40.8% in Andalusia,
36.2% in Portugal,
12.1% in Catalonia,
11.3% in the Basque Country
Luis Zalot   Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:28 am GMT
I agree with all you guy's views, one thing I have speculated is that Spanish may have the harsh pronunciations of "je,ja,jo,ju etc." but nevertheless the ce/ci/za/zu etc. are of Latin influence...for example;
to soften or the ENGLISH word "butter as to budder" hence,

Paciencia->>pronounced as "Pathiethia" very similar to CLASSICAL Latin and Vulgar Latin's "Patientia"

But yeahhh, spanish also has a tendency to do this to; accordingly

Llama (pronounced as Liama, or something like that.)


Caballo (pronounced as "Cabalio or something like that.)

Doncella (pronounced as "Donthelia" )

further information go here:

Peggy   Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:55 pm GMT
Enjoying the discussion... so guess the King Phillip I story is folk lore... thanks. Although I rather like that version!
Philx   Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:16 pm GMT
HI the description that you madeof the spanish grammar seems to me very close to that of italian, especially of the time of subjunctive, in fact italian as volgar latin retains a synthetic future and indicative.
Philx   Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:20 pm GMT
Sorry for my bad english, i mean to say does spanish has got only compound future indicative and conditional present? Does spansih have not a synthetic future sa italian or french?
Tiffany   Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:22 pm GMT
Llama (pronounced as Liama, or something like that.)


Caballo (pronounced as "Cabalio or something like that.)

Doncella (pronounced as "Donthelia" )>>

Are you speaking of Castilian Spanish? I didn't knw there was a divide in the "ll" sound between Castillian Spanish and other varieties. I've been taught to pronounce "ll" and the English "y", but I learned a general Latin American variety.
Luis Zalot   Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:26 pm GMT
Tiffany, I didn't know either....Yes I was refering to Castilian Spanish

go here (go under -modo- and select "laterales" and pick the up-side-down 'y')

Cicero   Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:15 am GMT
Luis Zalot doesn't have a clue about Spanish.

ll (LL) doble ele- In Spanish (Spain+ Latin America) is Y.
ll (LL) doble ele- In Argentina and Uruguay is "ch" with a hard sound.
JGreco   Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:14 am GMT
"ll (LL) doble ele- In Spanish (Spain+ Latin America) is Y.
ll (LL) doble ele- In Argentina and Uruguay is "ch" with a hard sound"

Your missing one more "ll" also has a "j" or "zh" sound in some pronunciations in Latin American lile in words such as "llama " (pronounced either "jahmah or zhama"). or llora pronounced a similar way. The letter "Y" can also have similar pronunciation to the "ll".
Rowena   Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:14 am GMT
doble ele (LL) retains the archaic /lj/ pronunciation (as in "million") in Philippine Spanish. This pronunciation has influenced the spelling of Spanish-derived words in Tagalog: silya (chair), sigarilyo (cigarette), kutsilyo (knife). Common Philippine names and family names like Guillermo, Padilla, Castillo are given the /lj/ pronunciation.

"c" and "z" in Philippine Spanish are pronounced /s/ like in Latin America, an influence of the Andalucian variety of Castilian.
greg   Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:04 am GMT
Luis zalot,

« all of Central and South America except Brazil »
Ainsi que le Suriname, la Guyana et la Guyane.

« 5 open vowels (as in Classical Latin) -- a. e, i, o, u »
Il y en avait 10 en orolatin classique : [a], [a:], [e], [e:], [i], [i:], [o], [o:], [u] et [u:].

« The vowels, that are short in Classic Latin, diphthongate when stressed in Spanish »
Il n'y a pas de diphtongue dans Es <puerta> puisque le <u> correspond à [w], une semi-consonne : [pwerta].
4X   Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:08 pm GMT
Brennus Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:36 am GMT
««2) Re: Some anthropologic studies involving DNA confirmed many Arabic genes throughout Iberia.

This is true however it is believed that much of the Arabic blood found today in Spanish, Italian and Maltese populations existed there long before the Muslim invasions. It came in as a result of the Roman slave trade. Ditto Armenian and Greek type DNA in the Italian population too.»»

It could also be during the Neolithic expansion or because of the Phoenicians. There was not a specific market for Arab slaves in Hispania during the Roman Empire any person would do. Gaul was very near and they would trade slaves for wine amphora and other goods.

««Ben Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:14 am GMT
Linguistically and culturally, Spain has many Arabic influences, the guttural sounds in Spanish, are traced to Arabic occupation.»»

The people spoke a romance language, the Aljamia or Mozarabic, the romance spoken in Andalucia, could be written with Arab characters or Latin alphabet.

45 (Stern), 45 (Heger), XXXI (García Gómez)
mi fena ÿes li-mahtï in luhtu
kon males me berey
non me lesa moberë aw limtu
mama gar ke farey

Mi pena es a causa de un hombre violento: si salgo
con males me veré
no me deja mover o soy recriminada.
Madre, dime, qué haré.

NP   Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:20 am GMT
>>Gaul was very near and they would trade slaves for wine amphora and other goods. <<

Napoleon reffered to Spain as Africa.