question abt speaking or asking on phone in english

Leena   Tue May 09, 2006 7:37 am GMT
hello every one
there is something has come to my is perhaps a little bit silly for those who have mastered the question is:when i make a call and i wanna ask abt the owner of the phone what would i say? hello is this mike mobile? or there are other better ways in asking politely.especially on the mobile the way,this is in case im not sure of the number.
tina   Tue May 09, 2006 10:36 am GMT
Hi Leena

The best way is that u use her/his name.

eg: Hello , Mike?

I my self use it ,dont know am i wrong or not.
abc   Tue May 09, 2006 11:20 am GMT
I would say one of these: "Could I speak with Mike," "Is this Mike's phone (cellphone)," or "Is this Mike."
Jim C, York   Tue May 09, 2006 11:49 am GMT
If your speaking over a land line, Its best to say something like "Hello, could I speak with Mike please? its Leena" they will probably say something like "Speaking" meaning they are the person you want. Mobile phones etiquet is fairly new, so go with "Hello, this is Leena, am I speaking with Mike?". Sounds alot more proffesional. Abc's way is more relaxed, and is probably the way you should go with people you are friends with etc.
MaintiensLeDroit   Tue May 09, 2006 3:38 pm GMT
I'd just say. "Hi. Is Mike there please."
marghub ahmed   Tue May 09, 2006 5:48 pm GMT
i want to learn english.i need essay ,vacobalry and grammer i am from inida.i am lerner english
Leena   Wed May 10, 2006 7:43 am GMT
hi Tina,thank you but i find saying hi mike to a number im not sure if its wrong or correct not suitable.

thank you abc, i think these sentences are good for me,but cant we say is this mikes mobile?

jim c,york do you mean by land line is phone calls in the same country? thanks

i like your sentence it sounds simple and direct.
Jim C, York   Wed May 10, 2006 2:14 pm GMT
Well on a landline (to any counrty) you have more chance of some one else picking up the phone, but the person you want being there. So its always best to ask for the person (unless you recognise the voice ;))

When ringing a mobile phone, obviously the person you wan't will most likly pick up, but you could have got a wrong number like you said.
"Is this Mike's mobile?" isn't very polite, you want to refere to the actual person. hope that helps further?