
Girl89   Thu May 18, 2006 10:43 pm GMT
I am new here! I am one of very few speakers of Anglo-Saxon (or Old English). My mother tongue is Anglo-Saxon and I also learnt to speak modern English as a child. It all started with my grandfather who was professor in Anglo-Saxon at a university. He really loved the language and disliked the modern English language because of all the imported words and the missing of structure. He taught the language to my father and my father did to me and my sister. My family are modern Saxons. We live a modern life without any invading. lol. I live at the English countryside and I think me and my family are one of the only Saxon-speakers in the world today. I will teach my future children to speak Saxon as the parents did to me. It is a gift! It is a so-called "extinct" language but my grandpa "revived" it. Could anyone here wish that they spoke Anglo-Saxon in stead of English?
Fredrik from Norway   Thu May 18, 2006 10:53 pm GMT
Really? Very interesting! Especially since it looks like you are not totally fluent in modern English. "the missing of structure". Wouldn't a native speaker say "the loss/absence of structure"? I could name other strange passages in your text too.
Kind of cool (from a linguistical point of view) if Anglo-Saxon in your case is a substratum influencing your modern English!

How often and to what extent do you speak Anglo-Saxon? How do you manage without all the words for modern things like "TV" and "modern"?
Benjamin   Thu May 18, 2006 10:54 pm GMT
WOW!! ^_^

I'd love to be able to speak Anglo-Saxon. It 'looks' beautiful. Are there any campaigns to 'revive' Anglo-Saxon as there have been for Cornish? Where can one learn Anglo-Saxon without applying to read 'Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Norse' at university (which is the easiest subject to get in for at Cambridge, by the way)?
Guest   Fri May 19, 2006 12:50 am GMT
"How often and to what extent do you speak Anglo-Saxon? How do you manage without all the words for modern things like "TV" and "modern"?"

I speak it all the time with my parents. With my friends, I speak English because they don't understand Anglo-Saxon. I just say "TV" and for modern I say níwe (new).
Girl89   Fri May 19, 2006 12:51 am GMT
I posted the "guest" thing. I forgot to write my name.....
Benjamin   Fri May 19, 2006 2:04 am GMT
Well, you sound like a very interesting person to have at Langcafé! Do come and join us if you should feel compelled: