Is this sentence correct?

Sam   Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:32 pm GMT
Is it correct to say
There were more crucifixes than he could count, none of later date probably than the seventeenth century.

or should we add more :
There were more crucifixes than he could count, none of later date probably more than the seventeenth century.
languidMandala   Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:09 am GMT
The "more" sentence is incorrect.

The first sentence is a bit difficult to follow but otherwise correct, I'd likely move "probably" to before "none" to prevent the idea of the second clause being disrupted.
Ant_222   Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:38 am GMT
Maybe: "none of a date later than..."

And instead of adding 'more', I think, you should have added 'later'. But thus we get nonsence: a date later than anything later than 17th cetury... So, you just leave it without such an addition or, adding a second 'later', remove the first:

"of a [later - removed] date probably later [-added] than..."