what can i do to sound californian?

Guest   Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:06 pm GMT
Which are the differences between Southern Californian English and Northern C E ?
Rene   Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:34 pm GMT
Guest- I grew up in Southern California and moved to Northern California. Basically, there are no differences between the two that I could hear. The only comment I ever got was from a friend of mine. She said that I sounded like I was asking a question whenever I spoke. This is called California up-talk. It's just a slight rising intonation on the end of each sentence. I shed that habit pretty quickly and she quit mentioning it in a few months. I used more Spanish words in Southern California too because whites were the minority in our city, but I can't even remember most of them now.

Other than that, the two accents are exactly the same.
Skippy   Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:24 am GMT
Yeah, aside from a few vocabulary things I can't hear much of a difference between those from NorCal and those from SoCal... I went to SDSU for four years, but it seemed like a majority of the kids there were from NorCal... Not a huge difference.
Guest   Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:20 am GMT
I've grown up in California my whole life and I meet people from other states all the time and rarely realize until they tell me, unless they have a Southern or Eastern accent or something.
Lo   Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:12 am GMT
Actually, I'm from SoCal too and I notice a slight difference in the way North Californians speak, especially the ones from the Bay Area. They don't have the cot-caught merger thing so their caught's get /kOt/ while their cot's get /KAt/ while Southern Californians get them both as /kAt/ but aside of that they sound pretty much the same.