Radical spelling reform or partial modification?

Guest   Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:41 am GMT
Que mas les queda decir, quisieran que su idioma fuese tan perfecto como el espaƱol, pero como saben que nunca lo sera, no les queda otra mas que conformarse y autoengaƱarse creeyendo que si un idioma no es complicado con reglas absurdas entonces no tiene encanto? es una completa estupidez, pero bueno suerte con tu complicado e imposible ingles.
Guest   Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:44 am GMT
Just try to read that and you'll probably get it right, how many of you wish you could that with English? lol.
guest   Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:41 am GMT
Oh Jon,

Just because I think about others welfare rather than my own, does that make me crazy? Oh damn, no, that just makes me not like you! haha, just kidding!

(no. I'm not)

By the way, I am a native speaker if that's supposed to mean anything special. It doesn't to me.

I'm not going to tell you what you need to go do ; )