What does "Third world" mean?

.   Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:09 am GMT
Brennus Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:03 pm GMT
Re: "What does "Third world" mean ?"

This is not a bad topic but since it is basically a semantic question involving the English language, I think it should be discussed in the English section of Antimoon.

Brennus - Moderator
Guest   Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:26 am GMT
It means to refer to any country which is underdeveloped. Nowadays people prefer to use terms like "underdeveloped" or "developed" countries instead of "third world" or "first world" countries respectively.
Jim   Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:19 am GMT
There's "developing" too. What the new terminology lacks is a term for that middle ground, the Second World. At least the new terminology is more descriptive but I can't help getting the feeling that it's glorifying development which generally comes hand in hand with destruction of the enviroment.
Guest   Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:33 am GMT
3 continents are affected by the plague. Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America.

Third world was a term developed by the west.

1.west capitalistic world
2.comunist world
3.third world - undeveloped world (because there was no ather way to name it)

From the comunist point of view

1.Comunist world
2.Imperialistic world
3.Undeveloped world (Third world)

so from either way- western or comunist- the third world is still third.

Because the comunism regim disapeared fro Europe there are only two worlds nowadays.

Developed western world (the north) and undeveloped world (the south) exept Australia and New Zeeland, because of the past "third world" is still in use today.
Guest   Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:01 pm GMT
<<There's "developing" too. What the new terminology lacks is a term for that middle ground, the Second World. At least the new terminology is more descriptive but I can't help getting the feeling that it's glorifying development which generally comes hand in hand with destruction of the enviroment.>>

It's unfortunate that, after having enjoyed the benefits of an industrialized society, the "first world" has developed this new religion of environmentalism which has by now spread all over the globe. Many of these "developing nations" have no way to develop without some degree of industrialization, and that's thwarted by environmentalists crying from the comfort of their California homes for the preservation of the rainforests.
greg   Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:07 pm GMT
Comme Benjamin l'a déjà expliqué, le terme <tiers-monde> est une création de Sauvy extrapolée depuis le concept de <tiers-état> : noblesse, clergé, tiers-état (Révolution, 1789, guillotine etc).
elina   Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:53 pm GMT
I hate using or even hearing phrases like ( developed world, third world ...etc )they sound very racist .. we all r equal .. rich or poor
*Jessica*   Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:36 am GMT
The United States is the first world; The UK, France, Germany and other devoloped countries are called the second world. The Third World are countries like India, China and other devoloping countries.

*Jessica*   Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:48 am GMT
Elina, you are totally right. We are all equal, every one of us. I mean, not just our human beings, but I think those animals are also should be treated equally.

But I think using Developed World, The Third World sounds racist. It's the truth that some countries are more devoloped than some other countries. It's a good thing that the devoloping and the devoloped countries commuicate and learn from each other. The Chinese foreign minister Zhou Enlai united the Third World by a conference. I don't know if it is Zhou Enlai created the phrase The Third World but anyway I think it's a good thing.

Jessica   Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:50 am GMT
Quote:" But I think using Developed World, The Third World sounds racist."

Sorry about the mistake. What I was trying to say was: Using Developed World, The Third World DOESN"T sound racist.
greg   Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:30 am GMT
*Jessica* : « The United States is the first world; The UK, France, Germany and other devoloped countries are called the second world. The Third World are countries like India, China and other devoloping countries. »

C'est pas ça du tout. La classification originelle définissait le tiers-monde comme n'étant ni les pays occidentaux ni le bloc soviétique : c'était une vision politique.

Par la suite, <tiers-monde> est venu à désigner la pauvreté économique des pays qui le composent.
Guest   Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:49 am GMT
*Jessica* Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:36 am GMT

The United States is the first world; The UK, France, Germany and other devoloped countries are called the second world. The Third World are countries like India, China and other devoloping countries.


Dear Jessica, I bet you are either a TROLL or just a genuine & typical American redneck.

And the "second world" was the Communism, you redneck.
ELINA   Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:50 pm GMT
jessica .. what the hell ur information r based on ????? support ur opinion .. the developed countries as i think r the major industrial countries including USA,UK ..etc.. USA havent ever been the first world ... how dreamy u r . besides, pls check ur special information sources or read well.
elina   Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:56 pm GMT
sorry I meant hasnt ..
Jessica   Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:25 am GMT
First, I want to apologize for my message, it is probably offensive. I read all those Information in my history book. I guess probably there are just different opinions about the First, Second and the Third World. But there is one mistake in my last message, in my history book, The First World includes the U.S.A and the Soviet Russia (not only the U.S). I made the mistake because of my lack of knowledge. If there's any other mistakes, I would be really appreciate if you point out. Guest, Gret and Elina, thank you for your messages.
