
Jeffriey   Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:40 am GMT
Hi, my name is Jeffriey,
i'm 23 years old and my nationality is argentinian,
When they made my birth certificate they made a mistake
on my name, it was supposed to be J E F F R E Y , but instead they
put J E F F R I E Y,
so here's my two questions:

How do you think me name should be pronounced ?

Is there any other word in English that has I, E and Y together like my name? How is it pronounced?
Kirk   Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:47 am GMT
An interesting situation you have, Jeffriey :) Here we pronounce Jeffrey/Geoffrey as "jeff-ree." If you know XSAMPA that's /"dZEfri/.

I can't think of any other English words right now that are spelled with "iey" like in your name.

Y, otra cosa, ¿de dónde sos en Argentina? El año pasado estudié en Buenos Aires como estudiante de intercambio y me enamoré de la ciudad y del país :)
Jeffriey   Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:26 am GMT
Hi, my name is Jeffriey,
i'm 23 years old and my nationality is argentinian,
When they made my birth certificate they made a mistake
on my name, it was supposed to be J E F F R E Y , but instead they
put J E F F R I E Y,
so here's my two questions:

How do you think me name should be pronounced ?

Is there any other word in English that has I, E and Y together like my name? How is it pronounced?
SpaceFlight   Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:48 am GMT
Why are you asking again? Kirk already answered you, Jeffriey.
Jeffriey   Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:03 am GMT
Because i want more answers
Uriel   Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:40 am GMT
I would say "jeff-ree" --- and I would get the spelling on my name and birth certificate legally changed. (Unless you really like that extra i).

Can't think of any English words ending in -iey right offhand.
Lazar   Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:40 pm GMT
I would say "Jeffriey", just as if it were "Jeffrey".

<<I would get the spelling on my name and birth certificate legally changed. (Unless you really like that extra i).>>

The extra I might make his name seem cool and distinctive. William Faulkner's name was originally Falkner, but then somebody misspelled it and he decided to keep it. ;-)
american nic   Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:11 pm GMT
Yeah, Jeffriey would probably be just like Jeffrey.

Actually, the Faulkner family name has many spellings, and pronunciations, from its original Falconer, to Falkoner, Falkner, Faulkner, Forkner, Fortner, and a few others. I know because my mom's maiden name is Forkner, and William Faulkner was a distant cousin of mine, a few times removed.
Uriel   Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:04 am GMT
Yeah, well, you keep dropping letters and changing vowels and pretty soon you might have a name you can't use in public. ;)