English orthography must be reformed !

furrykef   Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:32 pm GMT
Is this a joke? The idea of reforming grammar is ludicrous. English teachers have enough trouble teaching "correct" English as it is now without having to try to change fundamental aspects of the language!

<< It is utterly absurd that the word 'you' does not have a distinction between singluar and plural. >>

I see nothing absurd about this. Most native English speakers don't even give it a moment's thought. That indicates to me that no such thought is necessary.

<< For example, 'Did you go to the zoo yesterday?', is completely ambigous. English speakers are aware of this ambiguity so they usually add something like the following to clarify plurality: 'Did you and Tina and Mike...go to the zoo yesterday', or 'did you guys go to the zoo yesterday? The first sentece is verbose and the second is not gender neutral (guys refers to a group of males). >>

First off, the ambiguity is usually not a problem in the first place. Furthermore, there are more alternatives than those you listed: "Did you all go to the zoo yesterday?", or "Did all of you...?", or "Did you three...?" I also don't understand why "you guys" is problematic, either... I'm certainly not going to suddenly imagine that Tina is a man because of the use of "you guys". But if you think it's a problem, there are other alternatives.

By the way, try using a language like Korean or Japanese, where pronouns -- especially for "you" -- are avoided whenever possible!

<< The solution to this problem is simple: resurrect the plurals of 'you' and 'your' that were used in Middle English, 'ye' and 'thy'. >>

This notion would strike most people as hilarious. Nobody's going to start talking like a Shakespearean character just to "fix" something that nobody else perceives as a problem!

<< We also need to resurrect the dative and accusative forms of 'you' from Middle English, as the pronoun 'you' is also completely overstreched in this regard. >>

Normal nouns don't need case declension. Why do pronouns? There's nothing different about them that requires it. If we were to reform grammar (which absolutely will not happen), it would seem to me that it would be better to eliminate case declension altogether!

- Kef
elbarto   Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:42 pm GMT
I've a solution for you... change your language to Spanish lol, as you all know it is the most precise of all mayor languages, it sure has some troubles though but they're less than 3 percent.
Guest   Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:45 pm GMT
Yeah, learn Spanish so you can speak a minority language of South America or go the United States to work as a housemaid or berrypicker!
capt. america   Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:07 am GMT
I do support the idea of reforming the language, as much as hate to say this but the spics are right, their language is far more perfect and precise then any other.
Guest   Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:10 am GMT
You are just a hispanic impostor.
capt. america   Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:13 am GMT
No, I'm just someone who is aware of all the problems that our language has, and actually wants to do something to change those mistakes.
Guest   Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:47 am GMT
capt. america, nice try, you lying son of a bitch. Get back to work in those berry fields!
aznavour   Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:16 am GMT
Spanish is the most perfect language ever created. I suspect God speaks Spanish.
Guest   Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:26 am GMT
Bullshit. Spanish is the dirtiest language ever created. God punished the Hispanics by giving them so an ugly and worthless language and making them so prideful that they refuse to learn the world's more important languages.
Aznavour   Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:32 am GMT
Hispanics do learn other languages. I have studied English for three months and I know some basics. Spanish is such a perfect and complex language that we can learn other languages easily, but they are not nearly as perfect.
Guest   Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:43 am GMT
<<Hispanics do learn other languages. I have studied English for three months and I know some basics.>>

Good for you! You're pretty good for only studying for three months.

<<Spanish is such a perfect and complex language that we can learn other languages easily, but they are not nearly as perfect.>>

No, Spanish is such a dogshit language that Hispanics find other languages easier because their language is so shitty.
Guest   Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:55 am GMT
It is just impossible!
Franco   Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:43 am GMT
El español es perfecto! Es imposible negarlo.
Matthew   Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:56 am GMT
Hey, Guest, if you find Hispanics to be hopelessly lost, then STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THEM, STFU, AND GTFO.

Aunque soy simpático y intento respetar todos, no pienso que sea posible tratarte como un ser humano. Representas todo lo malo en el mundo, y el espíritu que permitó a los Nazis existir.

No matter what language, you are the highest order of SCUM.
Franco   Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:49 am GMT
El español es imperfecto! Es imposible negarlo.