A Question for German-Speakers.

Presley.   Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:08 am GMT
I was just having dinner at my friends house, and his grandparents were over. They were from Germany, and they dinner conversation was about German words that had difficult translations into English. One of the words that came up was "Frauguten". That was when Grandma hit Grandpa to shut up.

So, that brought me to the question; what is the meaning of "Frauguten"?
Guest   Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:41 am GMT
fraguten actually means invaders in german.
Fredrik from Norway   Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:49 pm GMT
OK, I am not a native German speaker, but I have studied German and have never come across this word. You sure they were not talking about
"Frauchen" = dimunitive of woman = wifie, wifey or female dog owner
Liz   Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:15 pm GMT
I'm a non-native speaker of German, but I've been learning (and studying German) for quite a long time. To be honest, I have never come across that word, either. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that the aforementioned word doesn't exist.

I've checked it on the internet for you but I haven't found it anywhere. I'm inclined to think that you have misunderstood it. Are you sure it was "Frauguten"? How did the couple explain the meaning of that word?
Jo   Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:31 pm GMT
I have been thinking about it too. Can't imagine it to mean anything
that could get Granny all hyped up and wanting to bash Granddad over the head for.
ich   Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:42 am GMT
Hey Presley., I'm a German-speaker and I have never heard of the word "Frauguten". Just like Liz already said, maybe you have misunderstood it or you just misspelled it. Can you say something about the actual context, cause somehow I am curious myself!

-- Can't imagine it to mean anything that could get Granny all hyped up and wanting to bash Granddad over the head for. --

LOL, maybe he said something derogatory about those poor Nacktmullen (whatever this is in English)...
Jo   Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:11 am GMT
If that was so Granddad more than deserved it.
Guest   Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:46 am GMT
I'm a native speaker of German. I never heart that word. The only explanation is,
that it should be Frau Guten, what would mean a woman with surname Guten. If so, this would be a very unusual but not impossible surname, I also never heard from such a surname. But then, the reaction of Grandma would make sense!
Guest   Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:58 am GMT
There is a Name Gutten, I remembered it, because the Dr. Gutten was a doctor of king Ludwig II.
Königlich bayerischer Sta   Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:19 pm GMT
No, mad, gay king Ludwig's doc was Dr. von Gudden.
Jo   Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:41 pm GMT
Diese misterieusen Frau Gutten mach mir jetzt gans neugierig.
Beim Googlen kommt Sie meistens nur auf Russischen Seiten vor.

Ich glaube Sie war eine sehr hübschen Sovjet Spione,
die Grossfater verfürt hat wenn er damals 20 war und
die geheime Deutsche Waffendepots bewachen musste.
Er war denn schon verlobt mit Grossmutti, die uberhaupt keine Ahnung davon hatte dass Ihre Liebe so einfach zu verführen war, sonnst hätte Sie Ihn selbst schon mal verführt.
Gans wütend war Grossmutter deswegen. Wann Grossfater Sie zu heiraten betete, musste er für Strafen aber versprechen dass wenn Grossmutti 85 werde, er Sie einmal mit schleppen werden nach America.
Beim Presley zuhause hat er sich denn die 2 Worte errinnert welche er fur 66 Jahre nicht aussprechen durfen hat. Leider durfte er es noch immer nicht und hat seine Frau Ihn gleich uber den Alten Kopf geslagen.
Eine alten Kopf voll mit junge Errinerungen von wann er damals 20 war.

Entschuldigen Sie bitte die viele Fehler.
Pauline   Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:47 pm GMT
hallo Jo,

wie geht's ?mir geht's gut. ich habe auf dem anderen forum einen freundlichen brief zu sander geschriben ;alos jetzt kommen hoffentlich kein probleme mehr.
Guest   Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:32 am GMT
oh my it means invaders you people how many times do i have to repeat it. im a german 100% speaker
frechtens   Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:34 am GMT
fraguten= invaders
its harcord vocabulary, but it is use in some circumstances
Fredrik from Norway   Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:08 pm GMT
Well, it kind of makes sense if "Fraguten" actually means invaders. Kind of don't-mention-the-war attitude from Grandma.