The Enviorment of Learning English

Steven   Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:47 pm GMT
As you know, to learn English is not an easy job. It should take time and practice everyday, so the ability of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be improved. However, as a student study in an enviorment where English isn't the mother language, which means English is seldom used in my daily life except in school, how can I improve my English ability?
Robin   Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:23 pm GMT
An environment for learning English?

Why do you want to learn English?

Do you want to learn English to help you with your job?

I am surprised that more people who are learning English, do not set 'Google' to 'Google UK', and arrange for all the instructions on their computer to be in English.

If you do a search using Google UK, with your preferences set to English, you will get a different result, than if you used another setting.

The other thing you can try, is listening to the World Service: BBC, and also to get British Television and Films. CNN does not count.
Guest   Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:19 pm GMT
<CNN does not count.>
Why? They speak the same language, don't they?
<British Television and Films>
Why not Australian, American, Canadian?
Aquatar   Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:50 am GMT

Robin is right, you can learn loads from the internet. It's really a godsend for learning English.

>>As you know, to learn English is not an easy job. It should take time and practice everyday, so the ability of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be improved. However, as a student study in an enviorment where English isn't the mother language, which means English is seldom used in my daily life except in school, how can I improve my English ability? <<

Your English is already pretty good, but I thought I'd rewrite your post as an English person might write it to get you on your way:

As you know, learning English isn't easy. It takes time and practice every day to improve your ability to speak, read, write and listen to English. However, as a student studying in an environment where English isn't the mother tongue, which means English is seldomly used in my daily life except in school, how can I improve my English skills?

This doesn't mean yours was full of mistakes. For example, 'seldom' is sometimes used as an adverb as you used it, but I think 'seldomly' is better here, or maybe also 'rarely'. Also 'ability' is ok, but 'skills' just sounds a bit more natural to me.

That's the thing about English, often it's not a matter of formal grammar, your English can be good and technically not wrong, but to sound like a native you need to absorb the ways things are said, so that you construct sentences in the way we tend to.