Cornwall continued

Adam   Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:17 pm GMT
This is a continuation of the Cornwall topic.

I found this, but I can't remember what website it was on -

"There is no official source that confirms the view that the Duchy has rights over the county of Cornwall. These facts disputed. It is fact that Cornwall is: considered a county of England, elects MPs to the British Parliament, pays taxes to the UK Exchequer, is governed by British legislation. Cornwall is not referred to seprately in any constitutional legislation, there is no Cornwall Act that refers to its situation. The Duchy of Cornwall, by their own admission, is a property holding company, governed by Acts of the UK Parliament, the income of which is the property of the British monarch's eldest son. Any legal privelege of the Duchy is done so by the command of Act of Parliament. The Duke of Cornwall does not live in Cornwall, the Duchy owns less than 4% of the County. All these facts confirm the status of Cornwall as a county of England."
Adam   Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:22 pm GMT
And it's a MYTH that the Cornish want any sort of autonomy -

"Many residents think of Cornwall as a separate home nation...."
This is misrepresentation. Less than 10% of the Cornish population signed the petition for a devolved assembly. How is that "many"?

Considering Cornwall a separate home nation is not the same thing as being in favour of a devolved parliament. England is a home nation without its own parliament.

I think the petition should be taken as a serious indication of support for Cornish devolution, but I don't think a petition signed by less than 10% of the population (even if a significant amount of people were not informed of it) can be interpreted to say that "most" Cornish people support devolution/independence.
Guinevere to Adam   Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:38 pm GMT
Adam England has always had it's own parliament! It's in Whitehall and it's called the House of Commons!
Sander   Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:54 pm GMT
Same message to 'Guinever' as to Udo, On antimoon you put your name i n the box above and you start the letter with the name of the person you're adressing.



Kernow   Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:00 pm GMT
Adam - There have been numerous calls for a Cornish body of governance in recent years but Westminster has all but ignored them. In addition the UK government and current Duchy of Cornwall have been happy to continue swindling the Cornish people out of their true constitutional position... ie. citizens of the Duchy of Cornwall - NOT a county of England.
50,000 people signed the petition for a Cornish Assembly and various independent opinion polls show that over 50% of the population of Kernow are in favour of a Cornish Assembly.
Joe   Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:06 pm GMT
Did you know that Cornwall's population has grown from 330,000 to 525,000 in th last 45 years ? This has been caused by in-migration to Cornwall mainly from SE England and is all part of Britain's ongong strategy to finally colonize those pesky Cornish (and Welsh) and
destroy their distinct landscape, identity and culture.
!!   Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:16 pm GMT
I see the troll is back again !!