Easiest Slavic language to pronounce

Guest   Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:30 pm GMT
hahaha I agree with Marie, and proud 2 be Yugo I doubt shes Albanian or a troll, but even she dissed ur language homez ;)
real_Alba   Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:35 pm GMT
I COULD NOT AGREE MORE! I dont I could've put it better myself, lol.

<<<<Oh no, serbian is very hard to learn and speak. You must definitely be serbian or croatian to get into that mess of a language. It is useless to learn for any non-native because you can use it nowhere else but in places where your life might be in danger, like Serbia, etc. So, I would rather learn chinese than start learning serbian, at least if you learn chinese there is a chance of staying alive :-) >>>>-----Boris

<<<<<Serbian is a strange, difficult and useless language. It was supposed to be easier when serbians borrowed it from croatians, but they somehow complicated it and made it quite boring to listen to and learn...I hope they do something about it, change it somehow, or learn another language, or don't speak it at all...it bothers a lot of people.>>>> ----Marie
Guest   Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:01 pm GMT
Real Albanian troll can mess up every post but they CANNOT give some
link-reference to approve what they claim

1.Serbian unlike bosnian and croatian
is still NOW written in both alphabets

Serbian orthography is very consistent: approximation of the principle "one letter per sound". This principle is represented by Adelung's saying, "Write as you speak and read as it is written", the principle used by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić when reforming the Cyrillic orthography of Serbian in the 19th century.

Two alphabets are used in Serbian language: the Cyrillic and the Latin. The two alphabets are almost equivalent; the only difference being the glyphs used. This is due to historical reasons; Serbian once being a part of the Serbo-Croat unification brought Latin usage into Serbia.


The Language
The Serbian language is a result of the work of the great Serbian philologist and language reformer, Vuk Stefanovich Karadzich . There are thirty sounds in the language. The language has the Cyrillic and the Latin alphabets.

In the Cyrillic alphabet, there is one symbol for each sound, thatis, there are as many letters as sounds (30), making it completely phonetic. This system was introduced by Vuk Stefanovich Karadzich . who followed the rule: write as you speak, and read as you write . The Latin alphabet is also phonetic, but some double letters are pronounced as one sound.

The spelling of Serbian does not present any difficulties, because there is one symbol for each sound. Serbian is thus one of the easiest language to learn to write. The order of the letters differs in the Cyrillic and the Latin alphabets.

?????   Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:23 pm GMT
lol Boris and Marie??? yea I dont think they were Albanian buddy....
a.p.a.m.   Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:28 pm GMT
All Slavic languages are hard to pronounce. Slavic speakers sound like they're talkin' with broken glass in their mouths.
Wang   Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:31 pm GMT
Yes, it is true. Serbian speakers sound like they are spitting sperm all the time...why...oh why....why...stop doing that please...
real_Alba   Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:51 pm GMT
ahahahhahahahhahahahha Wang!!!!!! OmG that was HILARIOUS!!!!! LoL seriously wow!!!!! Why didnt I come up with that? :(