Linguistic situation in Morocco

A-S   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:16 pm GMT
Egiasko Euskaldun bat naiz, bakarrik gauza bat nahi nuke ukan: BAKEA.
Katalunia, Corsika, Atlaseko mendiak, etab. denek ederrak dire, haien lirurarekin preserbatzeko. Laidoan, munduak ez da aurreratuko.

Je suis un véritable Basque, et il y a une seule chose que je demande: LA PAIX.
La Catalogne, la Corse, le massif de l'Atlas des Berbères, etc. toutes sont de belles terres avec leurs charmes uniques et qui faut préserver. Et ce n'est pas en s'entre-insultant que le monde avancera.
Guest   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:25 pm GMT
Corsica belonged to Tuscany, Pisa, and Genoa at various times in its history. This is why the Corse language is an Italian dialect that is closely related to, and mutually intelligible with Standard Italian. In fact, the Corse dialect is much closer to Standard Ital. than many Italian dialects that are spoken in Italy today. As far as Corsica belonging to Spain, that's pure bullshit.
Guest   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:28 pm GMT
That is impossible cause Italy exists since XIX century.

I meant Pisa and Genoa, obviously not Italy in the sense of State.
Anyway Corsica was NEVER Spanish for sure.
It's obvious you are not from Corsica, but did you attend primary school at least?
corsican   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:36 pm GMT
Corsica also belonged to the kingdom of Aragon, from 1296 to 1434. You have no clue about corsican history. Despite having a italian dialect this island has historical ties with Spain, just like many parts of Italian Peninsula. Sicily and Naples for example were part of Spain for four centuries. Learn History, little donkey.
Guest   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:41 pm GMT
The kingdom of Aragon was not Spain.
corsican   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:43 pm GMT
Hahaha, and Genoa is Italy. Good.
Guest   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:58 pm GMT
No? Isn't Genoa in Italy? If you can't afford an Atlant I can borrow you mine
corsican   Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:59 pm GMT
Isn't also Aragon a province of today Spain? You'd better google a little before writting nonsenses.
Guest   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:03 pm GMT
Sicily and Naples for example were part of Spain for four centuries

Yes and we can all see the RESULTS!!!!!!
The Italians of those regions are not so much proud of that wonderful heritage (which is luckily only one among many other wonderful ones).
Before Spaniards Sicily and Naples were very high civilisations, after them these part of Italy collapsed into shit, compliments Spain.
Wherever Spain went it left debris.
corsican   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:08 pm GMT
Milano was part of Spain under Charles V and Philipp II rule too.
A-S   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:11 pm GMT
<<Corsica also belonged to the kingdom of Aragon, from 1296 to 1434. You have no clue about corsican history. Despite having a italian dialect this island has historical ties with Spain, just like many parts of Italian Peninsula. Sicily and Naples for example were part of Spain for four centuries. Learn History, little donkey. >>

Hello "corsican", I went to Corsica, and also to BONOFACIO (BUNIFAZIU in corsican), and I know very well the city's history, never, never this city was captured by the Aragoneses

Do you see this rock's noch?

The legend said that way (stairs) was made by Alfonso V de Aragón and the Aragonese king in 1420 in one night.

Now, this is Bonifacio, and it's also impregnable... the Mauritanians,, the Aragonese, Turkish, French and English army Had several difficulties with this city, because besides being impregnable, its soldiers were very firm...

About the conquest of Corsica by aragoneses, it's false, never Corsica became Aragonese or Spanish, the English wikipedia made a mistake... The reality it's because of one armistice signed by Pisa in July, 1299 the Pisans grants the total dominion of the island for Genoa. This one becomes Genoese for six centuries, in spite of Vatican, which tries in 1297 to confide the direction of Corsica to the house of Aragon...

Are you really Corsican, boy? You don't know your history?
Guest   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:11 pm GMT
What’s that Aragon etc got to do with Genoa??
No I don't need Google, I attended schools....
corsica   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:16 pm GMT
I found in Ajaccio some manuscripts that credit Aragonese rule, the mayor of this city can show you. My aunt knows him.
A-S   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:18 pm GMT
<<What’s that Aragon etc got to do with Genoa??
No I don't need Google, I attended schools.... >>


Do you need more things?
A-S   Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:19 pm GMT
<<I found in Ajaccio some manuscripts that credit Aragonese rule, the mayor of this city can show you. My aunt knows him. >>

Write in Corsican please, I'm able to undestand it...