Can I use "factual" and "actual" interch

nick   Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:58 pm GMT
Give me the actual/factual information?
furrykef   Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:41 pm GMT
No, not really. "Give me the factual information" would mean "Give me the information that is true." Kind of an odd thing to say, since one normally presumes that information is true in the first place, but it might make sense in some contexts.

"Give me the actual information" means something like "Give me the information that is really information." This is actually much more likely to be used, because the speaker may consider unimportant details to not really be information, so it could be used to mean something like "Tell me what I actually want to know."

- Kef
Nick   Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:40 pm GMT
Thank u, Kef.