My spelling reform proposal.

Travis   Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:03 am GMT
I've sorta devised my own system already. It's complex, but it is the closest thing I have seen to a reasonable attempt at creating a single English orthography, and it actually looks somewhat like a Germanic language rather than something ad hoc. However, I am not going to get into details in this post just because it is rather complex

Aiv soart ov deváizd mai oun sistem oalréddi. Its kompléks, but it iz dhe klosist thing ai hav syn tu ee rizenebel etémpt at kriéting ee singgel ingglisj oarthograffi, and it aktiueli lûkz sumhwot laik ee djermánnik leenggwidj radher dhen sumthing ad hok. Hauever, ai am not goïng tu get intu diteelz in dhis poost djust bykóaz it iz radher kompléks.

Foar udher igzampelz ov hau dhis oarthógraffi:

kit > kit
dress > dres
trap > trap (lacks trap-bath split / laks trap-bath split)
bath > bath (lacks trap-bath split / laks trap-bath split)
palm > paam (has /al/ > /A:/ / haz /al/ > /A:/)
foot > fût (has put-putt split / haz pût-put split)
strut > strut (has put-putt split / haz pût-put split)
lot > lot (no lot-cloth split / no lot-kloth split)
cloth > kloth (no lot-cloth split / no lot-klot split)

fleece > flys (uses <y> for /i:/ in orthograpically open and unstressed syllables / iuziz <y> foar /i:/ in oarthográffikli opin and unstrésd sillebelz)
face > fees
goose > guus
goat > goot
thought > thoat

price > prais
choice > tjois
mouth > mauth

near > nyr (uses <y> for /i:/ in orthograpically open and unstressed syllables / iuziz <y> foar /i:/ in oarthográffikli opin and unstrésd sillebelz)
square > skweer
start > staart (represents /ar/ > /A:r/ / reprezêntz /ar/ > /A:r/)
cure > kiur (separately represents historical /iu/ and /ju/ / seperitli reprezêntz histórikel /iu/ and /ju/)
force > foors (no north-force merger / no noarth-foors merger)
north > noarth (no north-force merger / no noarth-foors merger)
nurse > nurs (no fur-fir-fern merger / no fur-fir-fern merdjer)

letter > letter (uses <er> for /@r/ / iuziz <er> foar /@r/)
comma > komme (uses <e> for unstressed /@/ / iuziz <e> for unstrésd /@/)
happy > happi (uses <i> for final /I/ / iuziz <i> foar fainel /l/)
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:32 am GMT
What is your rule for double consonants? For example why oarthógraffi with 2 fs?
Travis   Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:55 am GMT
Double consonants make preceding syllables orthographically closed, as do digraphs.
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:31 am GMT
Órþ`gràfyk'li klosd sylab'ls àr nót nes`sari. Inglysh ð`st
d`s not nid þys kænd `f tryvyàlytis. Ól wi nid ys a bijut`f`l mins `f speling wyh taks yntu `kàwnt þe `nper`lel ór`ðyns `f þe Inglysh langwyð.
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:42 am GMT
That orthography is pretty hard to read, lol.
Travis   Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:46 am GMT
Ai hav tu egrý with dhat, ai must sei.
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:06 am GMT
Yf Ingysh ys gòing tu hàv a speling rifòrm yt m`st bi fòl `f dæ`krytyks ànd `þ`r s`ç þ`ngs wyç kòntrybýt tu making langwyðs lök köl às f`king ròling stòns šyt! Lòng lyv þ` rifòrm! Lòng lyv kwin Elyz`beþ! Lòng lyv Pryns Hæri ànd Pryns Čar`ls!
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:17 am GMT
The use of the backtick to represent the schwa is one thing that makes it hard to decipher. Find a better symbol.
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:21 am GMT
Yf Ingysh ys gòing tu hàv a speling rifòrm yt müst bi fòl üf dæükrytyks ànd üþür süç þüngs wyç kòntrybýt tu making langwyðs lök köl às füking ròling stòns šyt! Lòng lyv þü rifòrm! Lòng lyv kwin Elyzübeþ! Lòng lyv Pryns Hæri ànd Pryns Čarüls!

How's that? I think I have found the solution! Finally! Ðòýn mi yn mæ kwest!
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:19 am GMT
<<Hou wuud yoo handl vaulz bəfoer <r>? Fər mee, <Mary>, <marry>, <merry> aar ol prənounst dhə saem.>>

Iem əgen unseurtn əbout dhat wich iz wie mie sistəm iz incəmpleet.
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:21 am GMT
Wuups! Dhat shuud bee "inkəmpleet" əbuv.
Guest   Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:36 pm GMT
<<The use of the backtick to represent the schwa is one thing that makes it hard to decipher.>>

Isn't the goal to make it harder to decipher, at least at first?

Actually, I'd like to see something based on the X-SAMPA, with all the backslashes, numeric codes, underscores, etc. Everybody would write in their own dialect, the way they really pronounce the words.

Also, why bother putting spaces between the words, unless there is a real pause between them? Of course, stress, tone, and pitch, speed should be indicated, too. If your system was good enough, singers wouldn't need to see the music when singing, since all the relevant info would be in the writing system. In fact, you could dispense with emoticons, too :)
Travis   Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:11 pm GMT
>>Isn't the goal to make it harder to decipher, at least at first?<<

Um, no. It iz tu kriét ee better oarthógraffi foar ingglisj az ee hool, in dhe plees ov dhe mes dhat wy hav rait nau.
Travis   Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:09 pm GMT
>>Actually, I'd like to see something based on the X-SAMPA, with all the backslashes, numeric codes, underscores, etc. Everybody would write in their own dialect, the way they really pronounce the words.<<

You do realize how hard that would make things in reality; for instance, my transcriptions ov my own dialect, if they are narrow enough to actually faithfully represent my dialect, are generally nearly illegible or at least very hard to read.

Ju du riällaiz hau haard dhat wûd meek thingz in riálliti; foar instans, mai transkripsjenz ov mai oun daielêkt, if dhei aar narrou enúf tu aktiualli feithfûlli rêprezént mai daielêkt, aar djeneralli nierlii ilédjibel oar at liest veri haard tu ried.

["ju: "d'{_^u: "Ri:M_^a:e_^s "ha:o_^ "hA:Rd_} "dE_o?d_0 "me_ok "TI_-~:Nks "1n Ri"E_^{M_^14_0i "fO:R "I_-~:n's't'1~nts "mae_^ "o~:n "da:e_^@:M\3_+?k_}t "I_-f "d_0E_r:R "A:R "nE_r:Ro: 1~:"nVf "t_h@: "E_^{?kSM:i "fe_oTfM:i: R3_+?pR@"z3_+~? "ma:e "da:e_^@:M\3_+?k_}t "A:R "dZ_03_+~:nR=:M:i: "nI:RM\i: 1:"M\3_+dZ_01:bM: "O:R "E_o? "M\is't' "v'E_r:Ri: "hA:Rd_0_} "t_h@: "Ri:d_0]
Travis   Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:13 pm GMT
["fO:R "I_-~:n's't'1~nts "mae_^ "o~:n "da:e_^@:M\3_+?k_}t]

should be:

["fO:R "I_-~:n's't'1~nts "mae_^ "tSr\_-E~_^{~nskR1?pS1~:ndz@ "ma:e_^ "o~:n "da:e_^@:M\3_+?k_}t]