Testing mutual intelligibility

Skippy   Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:29 pm GMT
Does anyone know how one tests mutual intelligibility? The most obvious means I can think of is asking a native speaker of language to read/listen to another language and see how much vocabulary and grammar they can understand.

I was also wondering if anyone knows if any research institutes have released data regarding mutual intelligibility?

I realize this is a heavily quantitative topic, so if you don't know or can't help me feel free to discuss mutual intelligibility in general.
Petre   Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:01 am GMT
Intelligibility Test

Buna seara! Ce faci, bine? Tu Skippy de unde esti? Voi restu' de unde sunteti ? Ma chiama Petre, si sunt un Roman din Alba-Iulia, vechea capitala din Transilvania.

Eu cred ca textu' meu se poate intelege fara probleme de marea majoritate. Cu conditia sa intelegeti o limba latina. Mai vorbim!

Guest   Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:53 am GMT
I'm not Skippy, but I think that I can make out about 60% of this without having studied this language. Apparently this is Romanian which I've just started recently. I'm on lesson two.

I speak two romance languages (French and Spanish) and understand five others (Italian, Portuguese, a lot of Occitan, Catalan, and Ladino). I guess I also "speak" Italian to a limited extent.

This is why Romanian is fascinating. It's close and yet so far from these languages.
Skippy   Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:34 am GMT
With my limited knowledge of Spanish and French, I made out a fair bit of that.
Guest   Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:14 am GMT
I speak French, Spanish Italian, Catalan and Corsican and I didn't understand it.
Jose Jose   Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:40 am GMT
I understood the gist of it. Rougly 60%. Here's my take>

Buenas tardes! Bien, que haces? Tu Skippy de donde eres? Vosotros ???? de donde ??????. Me llamo Pedro, si soy un Romano de Alba julia, la vieja capital de Transilvania.

Yo creo que mi texto se pueda entender sin problema por / de ???? mayoridad. Con ???? os entendeis la lengua latina. ?????????

Ferentz   Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:12 pm GMT
>I speak French, Spanish Italian, Catalan and Corsican and I didn't understand it.< Are you retarded or a troll?

My first language is Hungarian, I used to work in Italy, and after learning some average Italian, I can understand Romanian prety much, if spoken literary without regional accents.

Romanian__Buna seara! Ce faci, bine? Tu Skippy de unde esti?
Italian_____Buonasera! Che fai, bene?Tu Skippy di dove sei?
Spanish___Buenas tardes! Bien, que haces? Tu Skippy de donde eres?

Well, Romanian tends to be closer to Italian, but occasionally gets closer to Spanish.
Guest   Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:53 pm GMT
Spanish___Buenas tardes! Bien, que haces? Tu Skippy de donde eres?

I would say instead ¡Buenas tardes! ¿Qué haces, todo bien? Skyppy , ¿de dónde eres?
Skippy   Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:53 pm GMT
lol I like that everyone's talking about me.