What is Language Immersion?

Koreasparkling   Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:01 am GMT
Can you tell me what "Language Immersion Program" exactly is?

Will the program be useful for the ones who are over critical period age to learn a new language(say, who are older than 15)?

P.S. I'm not able to post a thread in my school computer or a dorm room.
It says hidden proxy or something and that's really frustrating. How can I ever upload a posting in my school network?
Xie   Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:51 am GMT
Originally, the critical period hypothesis might be meant to point out that children might not be able to acquire their FIRST languages if they are not exposed to it before, say, the onset of puberty, which would make them effectively unable to use human language AT ALL. There have been some cases of study involving children who had been abandoned in forests and cannot speak any language properly, if at all, after being rescued.

It doesn't directly refer to somebody's hypothesis that you can't learn any SECOND language some time after the onset of puberty.

On the very contrary, "I" learnt how to write properly in both Chinese and English and "I" couldn't claim to be trilingual until I reached adulthood. After the age of 15, I have been actually learning an amount of vocabulary in all languages I know that exceeds what I knew before. I can't say how "many" people learn second languages "successfully" after puberty, but I think it should be safe to say you can always learn any language, even just a little chunk of it.

Usually, this kind of program is designed by some organizations for people for particular purposes. If you are still 15, probably your school might be offering this for you and your classmates to go to somewhere, say a neighbouring country, meet foreigners of similar age groups and practice languages you are learning.
Guest   Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:01 pm GMT
In some cases, one level above Advanced
Guest   Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:12 pm GMT
I heard someone became fluent in English after starting learning it at 79 after his family moved to America.
Guest   Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:55 am GMT
I actually believe that is true. I've seen smart senior citizens from other countries learn English at advanced ages.