
Here’s when you should use each grade:

  • 5 (Bright): You gave the correct answer quickly.
  • 4 (Good): You gave the correct answer, but you were thinking of other answers, too. (You hesitated.)
  • 3 (Pass): You were thinking for a very long time or your answer was not completely correct.
  • 2 (Fail): Your answer was wrong (or you gave no answer), but you “almost” said the correct answer. You’re thinking “I knew it!”.
  • 1 (Bad): Your answer was wrong (or you gave no answer), but when you saw the correct answer, you recognized it.
  • 0 (Null): Your answer was wrong (or you gave no answer), and you don’t even recognize the correct answer. You’re thinking “What? This is the right answer? I’ve never seen it before in my life!”

The most important thing that you should know is the difference between remembering and forgetting. Grades 5, 4 and 3 mean that you remembered the correct answer. Grades 2, 1 and 0 mean that you had forgotten the correct answer.

If you use PerfectPronunciation regularly, you will give yourself lots of fives (more than 50% of all grades), and you will almost never get the zero!