About "science"

Damian   Tuesday, June 08, 2004, 14:18 GMT
I HATE maths! For the Americans: I HATE math! What is an "s" between friends? My best friend is a calculator. The world of words is a whole different ball game! (I said that in my best American accent!) :-)
dian   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 04:40 GMT
The reason is because of the following sentence that I found on a website:
"Labnet is a network of over 1,000 US primary and secondary science and mathematics teachers operating through a commercial service, America Online."

I guessed at that time that the term "science" in that sentence is "natural science" not "social science".

Might Mick   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 06:46 GMT
In that context as with high school subjects, Science is differentiated from Maths and Social studies. It usually comprises physics, chemistry and biology - i.e. Natural Science.
Jim   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 06:49 GMT
There is only axioms and deduction in mathematics. There is no formation hypotheses and testing them against observation. Maths is not a science.
Jim   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 06:51 GMT
I left the "of" out: "There is no formation of hypotheses ..."
Might Mick   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 08:45 GMT
Well not everyone here agrees that Maths is a science. It is in most contexts and not in some, so it's relative to a small degree. (like that Natural Sciences scenario) Hope that answers your question. LOL

If you ask a maths guru (PhD, professor, etc) or look it up in a dictionary, encyclopedia or other official source you'll find they all (most if not all) refer to it as a science. If you're still not sure, check out the descriptions from these aficionados of maths...

"...mathematics is a science of pattern and order."

"Mathematics is a science of absolute fact..."

"Mathematics is a science, the science of patterns, and as all sciences, involves processes such as observations, discovery, experimentation, classification, hypothesis, inference, measurement, estimation and creating/imagining."
Orion   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 18:53 GMT
Orion   Wednesday, June 09, 2004, 19:08 GMT
So no html support. Oh well. Anyhow...

I personally feel that mathematics is a science. I consider science to be a logical, systematic approach to any given subject. *There is no concensus on the matter*. Here's a link with some good background on and etymology of the word science (which is derived from the latin for "knowledge"):

Remember that definitions change over time; the traditional seven liberal arts were Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music. Except in the broadest sense of the word, does anyone consider math or astronomy to be an art anymore?

For whomever it is that keeps trying to apply latin-based grammatical rules to English, it often won't work because English isn't a romance language. There's a good bit of latin influence, yes, but English is mostly derived from European tribal languages.

The following demonstates how close German and English are (in some cases), for example:

I sing. I sang. I have sung.
Ich singe. Ich sang. Ich habe gesungen.

Nothing I say should be taken as authoritarian, of course, but I have a fair background for this sort of thing. I speak or read Spanish, German, Greek, and Latin, and have some knowledge (non-formal) of Japanese, Irish-Gaelic, and a few other languages. Science-wise, I have a degree in engineering and have spent time doing graduate work in physics and mathematics. The really unbelieveable thing is that I'm an American..
Willy (as someone unknown)   Friday, June 11, 2004, 01:43 GMT

Thanks, Mario Pei from Encarta Encyclopedia. Who am I? Do you know?

Willy/Emmanuel/Geoffrey Chaucer/William BUT WHO REALLY?
Willy.   Friday, June 11, 2004, 02:57 GMT
Math or maths as you American or British, is a science. Better spelling as Mathematics. I like to complete words. Both countries have shortened words from Latin. That's a linguistic fraud. Let me call a dead Roman of that dead tongue.
Willy   Friday, June 11, 2004, 02:58 GMT
In the multiverse, all possible worlds exist and in one of those universes Jim agrees with me that ''book'' is pronounced as ''bwauk'' and most other people do to.
Willy   Friday, June 11, 2004, 03:01 GMT
And in one of those universes ''book'' is actually spelled as ''bwauk''. If you visited that universe you would have to start spelling it as ''bwauk'' because that's how they spell it there and they will wonder what a ''book'' is.
Willy   Friday, June 11, 2004, 03:18 GMT
That was funny. It's like to study the etymology of those people from other planets. They just pronounce as the word looks. Perhaps they've never had contradiction of color as colour or colour as color.

gaol as jail
defence as defense

These aliens can't change their language because they have norm to follow.

An earth human can understand their English. They're said to be smarter than we.
Carl Sagan   Friday, June 11, 2004, 03:31 GMT
Yes, you are correct: there are *billions* of universes and in one of those universes people really do spell book as "bwauk".

However, in that very same universe, there is a person named Willy who is not happy with the spelling and thinks it should be spelled "book".
Willy   Friday, June 11, 2004, 03:35 GMT
No, brother. That's not true! I don't want to spell it as "bwauk" but in Earth I spell it as "book" even though it doesn't rhyme with Luke (lu:k).

In English the alien Luke,
Does not open his book.

Does it rhyme to ya?