Spanish Enigma-Jordi, Can you please tell me?

LOL   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 19:45 GMT
Isn't weird Travis ...the whole spaniard name-thing? And we believed they're so macho... LOL
Chloe   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 19:46 GMT

"Jesus ! I would like my woman to have my last name...So you'll know she's my wife and not other's...And she'll be happy to do the same !!!"

You must be the brother of the bloody bin laden. This is the more repugnant what i read in this forum. As a feminist I am absolutely indignant.
Chloe   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 19:49 GMT
*have read
LOL LOL LOL   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 19:49 GMT
"You must be the brother of the bloody bin laden"



Modernise your primitive society "tio" !

Jordi   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 19:55 GMT

Don't you worry about those. The primitive thing, in fact, is expecting a woman to lose all her totems and signals (including her name) because she marries into another tribe.

My daughter will always have the same names as her brother. After all, it's only fair.

Everybody, man or woman, is entitled to his/her identity from birth.
Travis   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:05 GMT
Here in the US, the traditional pattern is that women take their husbands last names when they marry, but increasingly various individuals either keep their original last names, or they take a hyphenated last name when they marry. However, normally individuals initially just have their fathers' last names, even though on occasion where they'll be given a hyphenated last name (which is closer to the way that last names operate traditionally in Spain).
LOL LOL LOL   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:05 GMT

A FAMILY NAME is a WESTERN CONCEPT where every member have ONE SAME SURNAME and we also call it FAMILY NAME


In our WESTERN SOCIETY if your kid doesn't have both Parents COMMON FAMILY NAME he's not yours ...or his a bastard!
Chloe   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:08 GMT
I am so indignat that i am not going to post in this forum again.

Thank you for your support in this matter

I am off
Sander   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:09 GMT
In holland it was normal that you got your fathers name litterally,

You dad is called "Piet" and your called "Jan" then you would be called Jan Pietszoon (John Peterson)
Travis   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:09 GMT
Can you please tone down the all caps a bit, "LOL LOL LOL", and geez, naming conventions have not been at all constant throughout all of "western society" even up to today, so such generalizations do not apply in practice at all, you chauvinistic idiot.
dieter   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:11 GMT
I agree! a "Family name" is = "name that is shared by the all members of a family" is indeed a western thing...didn't know about Spain :(
Jordi   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:16 GMT
Dear LOL:

You seem to be quite an ignorant man. Please find out the anthropological meaning of "tribe" before speaking to educated Western Europeans. We happen to be at the westernmost corner of Europe and to be educated Europeans. God knows where you're from and what you are!

You are right, everybody has a family name from birth. Why should women abandon their family name and take their husband's? That is a patriarchal concept that even pictures God as a man and would have God having made "man" before woman! Please grow up! That is a religious and cultural concept that is not based in any known evidence.

Anyway, I respect historical traditions and I respect any kind of system as long as the people who carry it agree.

Chloe, no hagas caso de algún ignorante que no sabe distinguir ni sabe interpretar que los seres humanos somos mujeres y hombres.
Sander   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:21 GMT
Spaniards also get their father's name and, in second position, their mother's. That's how it has been in a patriarchal Europe.

The question is: "should women change their names when they marry?"

In Spain they don't and they just put a "Mrs" (Señora) before their name.
In other countries they do. That is the difference.

I can assure you Spanish women would be revolted if they were asked to drop their family names just because they got married.

It keeps a tie with the past and it doesn't make them love "their family" any the less. Furthermore, her children will also bear her first family name as "their" surname.
Jordi   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:23 GMT
Sorry Sander, you didn't write that, I did.
LOL LOL LOL   Sunday, May 22, 2005, 20:30 GMT
"We happen to be at the westernmost corner of Europe and to be educated Europeans."

well, you happen to be the poorermost Western countries as well including Portugal the poorest W EU state

No wonder your society is so twisted...

Besides the Spaniards are the well known Most Chauvinistic Macho – Man…

According to a famous Dictionary…

Macho = strongly masculine or assertive man, domineering and aggressive man; machismo, male chauvinism…

Feminism in Macho-land..give me a break Chloe !Go and watch a bullfighting...
