language of democracy?

Americano   Fri May 09, 2008 6:34 am GMT
Get a life you anti-American bashers. Especially those who think there country is some great utopia and that the US is just evil, Nazi blah blah. BTW the Nazi label is so overused that it is hollow and holds little meaning now.

<< >>US is a totalitarian dictatorship-- a police state<<

that's what it is >>

that's what it isn't

Do you even know the definition? The US is a ''totalitarian dictatorship''? Really? Are you high, stupid or just a basher. I know it's considered "trendy" nowadays to bash the US but seriously, you guys make me laugh. The US provides it's citizens with many freedoms and rights that other countries don't. Just because we have an over-aggressive president that many of us (including me) don't like, doesn't mean the US is what you say. Besides, he will be out in a few months and THE PEOPLE will elect a new president (hopefully Obama).

<< The population is kept under control by TV propaganda/brainwashing and by its ignorance >>

You could accuse about every country in the world of doing this on some level.
greg   Fri May 09, 2008 12:18 pm GMT
Americano : « You could accuse about every country in the world of doing this on some level. »

Il est clair que diaboliser les États-Unis n'a aucun sens et ne sert à rien sinon à déconsidérer ceux qui utilisent des noms d'oiseau pour dénigrer ce pays. En revanche, l'idyllisme et l'angélisme sont deux écueils qu'il faut aussi éviter : les États-Unis méritent que soit rappelés les nombreux forfaits dont ils sont les auteurs.

JLK : « As an American/Englishman, I confess bias [...] ».

Mieux vaut prendre les devants, en effet.

JLK : « [...] if there is a language of democracy I think it would be English. »

Et le langage du napalm, ce serait ? Et la langues des radiations nucléaires ? Et l'idiome du phosphore blanc ?

JLK : « America was really the first nation to embrace democratic ideals in modern times. »

Tu parles sans doutes des treize colonies (et non de l'Amérique) où sévissaient l'esclavage des Noirs, la spoliation des Amérindiens, la sujétion des femmes et les idées intolérantes en général ?

JLK : « We are a far from perfect nation, but we value freedom like none other. »

C'est un propos que tu devrais déclamer en arabe dans un cimetière irakien. Effet garanti.
JLK   Fri May 09, 2008 12:21 pm GMT
We only invade and devastate other countries like Irak, but appart from that US is a perfect nation.
Guest   Fri May 09, 2008 2:42 pm GMT
"Get a life you anti-American bashers"
We have a life, thank you. It's just that US is messing with it. If US want to dictate the world (be a "leader"), then we want to have a vote on US president. If nothing else we're certainly free to discuss US and to have an opinion.
Oppressee   Fri May 09, 2008 3:39 pm GMT
<<Do you even know the definition? The US is a ''totalitarian dictatorship''? Really? Are you high, stupid or just a basher. >>

None of the above. I think I spelled Oppressee wrong. It was probably the bad spelling that threw everybody off. Either that, or I should have put a smiley face at the end of the post. :)
Guest   Fri May 09, 2008 3:52 pm GMT
<<Also bear in mind that a healty dictature has few or no dissidents>>

Plenty of dissidents in the US. Perhaps the government allows dissent as sort of a safety valve, knowing that the dissent won't really get accomplish anything. Allowing dissent also helps maintian the illusion of democracy. :)
Guest   Fri May 09, 2008 7:27 pm GMT
The first language of democracy is Greek, as everybody knows. Another language of democracy is Germanic (Anglo-Saxon included), believe it or not - elections have been of crucial importance since the beginning of historical records aboud Germanic culture (Tacitus etc.). In Egyptian, Celtic, Inca and Chinese records, not one single democratic element is found.
Guest   Fri May 09, 2008 7:51 pm GMT
<< Another language of democracy is Germanic >>

Germanic is nt a language.
JLK   Fri May 09, 2008 8:05 pm GMT
JLK : « [...] if there is a language of democracy I think it would be English. »

Et le langage du napalm, ce serait ? Et la langues des radiations nucléaires ? Et l'idiome du phosphore blanc ?

And the language of the guillotine (which was used until 1975)? Democracy can not be protected without the means to defend it. I hope you can eventually grasp that.

JLK : « America was really the first nation to embrace democratic ideals in modern times. »

Tu parles sans doutes des treize colonies (et non de l'Amérique) où sévissaient l'esclavage des Noirs, la spoliation des Amérindiens, la sujétion des femmes et les idées intolérantes en général ?

No, the southern states supported slavery. The federal government always stood against it. But do not speak to me about intolerance. Have you forgotten your own 'democratic' revolution and the eternal bloodshed that occurred as a result. Your country men slaughtered hundreds of thousands of aristocrats, intellectuals,loyalists,etc..all in a barbaric manner. You have no room to discuss democracy with me, sir. Enjoy your socialist paradise and close your froggy trap.

JLK : « We are a far from perfect nation, but we value freedom like none other. »

C'est un propos que tu devrais déclamer en arabe dans un cimetière irakien. Effet garanti.>>

We liberated them from a tyrant. Have you forgotten? Besides, we won't stay much longer. You can only do so much with such a backwards people.
Gregorio   Fri May 09, 2008 8:58 pm GMT
greg   Fri May 09, 2008 10:10 pm GMT
JLK : « Your country men slaughtered hundreds of thousands of aristocrats, intellectuals,loyalists,etc..all in a barbaric manner. You have no room to discuss democracy with me, sir. »

Quelle finesse ! Tu n'as pas réalisé que cet argument s'applique exactement aux ***États-Unis de l'an 2008***, où des innocents sont condamnés à mort, exécutés froidement par une bureaucratie inhumaine et obscène et rendent leur dernier soupir dans d'atroces souffrances physiques et morales ? Je pense en effet que le mot <démocratie> — et surtout <droits de l'homme> — est un vague concept dans ton esprit borné. Et je te fais grâce des centaines de milliers d'irakiens morts entre 2003 & 2008 qui, je suppose, suscitent ton admirable indignation dans une mesure bien moindre que les Français du XVIIIe siècle ne le font malgré un intervalle de plus deux cents ans. Et je t'épargne également les plaisantes amabilités de la guerre de Sécession, un épisode particulièrement glorieux dont tu pourrais te vanter avec autant d'emphase que tu en mets dans tes accès francophobiques.

JLK : « America was really the first nation to embrace democratic ideals in modern times. »

JLK : « No, the southern states supported slavery. The federal government always stood against it. »

Constitution états-unienne (Nord + Sud) : « Les représentants et les impôts directs seront répartis entre les différents États qui pourront faire partie de cet Union, proportionnellement au nombre de leurs habitants, qui sera déterminé en ajoutant au nombre total des personnes libres, y compris celles qui se sont louées pour un nombre d'années déterminé, mais à l'exclusion des Indiens non soumis à l'impôt, trois cinquièmes de toutes les autres personnes. »
En clair les Indiens non soumis à l'impôt ne comptent pour rien dans la fixation du nombre de représentants par état. D'autre part les esclaves (= les personnes non libres) comptent à hauteur de 60 % : dans le calcul de la représentation des états, il faut justifier de cinq esclaves pour considérer que la population d'un état quelconque puisse être augmentée de trois têtes.

JLK : « We liberated them [LES IRAKIENS] from a tyrant. Have you forgotten? Besides, we won't stay much longer. You can only do so much with such a backwards people. »

Quel aveu de racisme et de xénophobie !... Quant au tyrant dont tu fais mention, c'est celui que les États-Unis ont armé et financé pour affaiblir l'Iran qui avait osé renverser le chah, simple marionnette états-unienne. Tes arguments suent l'incohérence et puent l'hypocrisie.
greg   Fri May 09, 2008 10:18 pm GMT
JLK : « And the language of the guillotine (which was used until 1975)? ».

Tu te trompes encore : la dernière exécution en France remonte à 1977, malheureusement pas 1975. Et l'abolition date de 1981, soit à peine 27 ans.
Iberoamericano   Fri May 09, 2008 11:41 pm GMT
As a gay man, Spain offers more rights than the U.S. Gay men and women are second class citizens in the U.S. They cannot get married, they cannot serve openly in the army and do not have the federal rights minorities have in other countries. People in the U.S. like dot think theirs is the best democracy but that's because they don't read what is going on in other countries. They're ignorant or just blind.
Guest   Fri May 09, 2008 11:50 pm GMT
Considering the extremely low fertility rate Spain has, the worse thing one could do is to promote gay couples like the government does. All the gays of the world will end up migrating to Spain to get married, and still some people in Spain like this prospect because supposedly it demostrates that Spain is "modern". I prefer to be more archaic and promote the native fertility rather than gay couples and inmigration.
Iberoamericano   Fri May 09, 2008 11:56 pm GMT
Do you know the word "equality'? I guess that's not in your dictionary. With those views I wouldn't be surprised if you voted for Bush....Socially advanced societies have equal rights, don't have death penalty and don't torture nor have a version of Guantanamo and Abu Graib.