can you give me some more made up languages?
Here is my list;
Here is my list;
made up languages
can you give me some more made up languages?
Here is my list; Sindarin Quenya Esperanto English Spanglish Geordie
English and Geordie are made up languages?!
Geordie is an English dialect and English isn't made up.
Neither is Spanglish - it's a combination of two languages - Spanish and English
Interlingua and Klingon are two made-up languages
I'm sure all languages, when you go to the root of them were made-up in some way, because words are borrowed form other languages and so on. Someone must have made up the first language. But there is a culture behind these languages, people.
If you were to go by this, all languages are inevitably made-up. Perhaps a better word is "artificial" The languages we consider "made-up" should really be described as artificial because these are not natural - never a first language.
Yes, Tiffany is right. Jesus is an ignorant Moron!
The ruling class in what we now call Great Britain once spoke French, while the Peasants spoke something close to our nowadays English. Later the two parts was mixed to form the modern language. About thirty percent of the modern English has roots from the French language. Check out this link if you have to: Also, the English language is a mix of a lot of other languages because so many words have been appropriated from other languages due to trade, colonization, science or whatever. This process is something natural in any language, not only English. The only reason this process is more apparent is because English is the most dominant language in this world today. Yes, I know there are more people speaking Chinese than English, but the fact is that even thoug China is a higly populated nation, these people don't have a dominat role in today's politics. Might happen someday, but that is not what is happening today! The general rule is that the language of the dominant country always affects the language of less dominant ones.
the English language is not made up, but some people seem to think that it was made up by americans
Kantklabb : « Le phénomène est beaucoup plus visible en anglais pour la seule raison que c'est actuellement la langue dominante à l'échelle mondiale. »
Je ne suis pas d'accord. Je pense que le phénomène de l'emprunt est très visible en anglais pour au moins deux raisons qui n'ont rien à voir avec son emploi : 1/ la majorité de son vocabulaire accuse une différence de provenance par rapport à l'origine germanique de la langue anglaise 2/ 85 % du fonds lexical originel a disparu.
For artificial languages, see:
I think old J.R.R. Tolkien made up several languages... Elvish, Orcish, Entish, Mordorish etc...
I must add sth. I haven't heard about Slovio before (sb has mentioned it) so I decided to check it.
I'd like to say that it isn't an objective mix of slavic languages. I'd rather said that the based-language for Slovio is Russian with many suplements. I'm Polish - for me that language is in 75%-80% understandable. But the point is I learn Russian and that's the reason why it's siplier for me to understand. In addition I see a few mainly elements from West-slavic languages. |