Maybe this is interesting for antimoon, too:
made up languages
I dont think English is made up of many languages. I think American is made up of many languages.
Meadouweeyan... My language
My name is ... Djo' nyamm Zh' ....
how are you? Qzh'Out'??
-I am Oy'Zh'
--Good Beeuoe
--ok Meyd'eeoh
--bad N'Beeuoe
Can I help you? Mey'Oy' Aszeysztah Out'?
-yes s'Zee
-no n'Zee
-mabe Ieff
Its a mix of all languages and using a theasauruse. (Zh' oun Mikz L' todoh loungwaz na' oozL un'Zam-dikzonyairoh)
My name is ... Djo' nyamm Zh' ....
how are you? Qzh'Out'??
-I am Oy'Zh'
--Good Beeuoe
--ok Meyd'eeoh
--bad N'Beeuoe
Can I help you? Mey'Oy' Aszeysztah Out'?
-yes s'Zee
-no n'Zee
-mabe Ieff
Its a mix of all languages and using a theasauruse. (Zh' oun Mikz L' todoh loungwaz na' oozL un'Zam-dikzonyairoh)
Meadouweeyan... My language
My name is ...___ Djo' nyamm Zh' ....
how are you? ___Qzh'Out'??
-I am ___Oy'Zh'
--Good ___Beeuoe
--ok ___Meyd'eeoh
--bad___ N'Beeuoe
Can I help you? ___Mey'Oy' Aszeysztah Out'?
-yes___ s'Zee
-no ___n'Zee
-mabe ___Ieff
Its a mix of all languages and using a theasauruse. (Zh' oun Mikz L' todoh loungwaz na' oozL un'Zam-dikzonyairoh)
My name is ...___ Djo' nyamm Zh' ....
how are you? ___Qzh'Out'??
-I am ___Oy'Zh'
--Good ___Beeuoe
--ok ___Meyd'eeoh
--bad___ N'Beeuoe
Can I help you? ___Mey'Oy' Aszeysztah Out'?
-yes___ s'Zee
-no ___n'Zee
-mabe ___Ieff
Its a mix of all languages and using a theasauruse. (Zh' oun Mikz L' todoh loungwaz na' oozL un'Zam-dikzonyairoh)
<=Courtney Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:59 pm GMT
I dont think English is made up of many languages. I think American is made up of many languages. =>
English borrows from many languages. American starts with English and corrects the spelling of words like "color" and "labor", neither of which has a "u".
I dont think English is made up of many languages. I think American is made up of many languages. =>
English borrows from many languages. American starts with English and corrects the spelling of words like "color" and "labor", neither of which has a "u".
The game Final Fantasy X Features a language ( Also the name of a tribe ) called "Al Bhed"
Made up language in use in Norway today:
Nynorsk (= New norwegian), one of the two literary forms of Norwegian.
For more information, check out:
Nynorsk (= New norwegian), one of the two literary forms of Norwegian.
For more information, check out:
Romanian is a made up language. To an extent, especially on it's surplus latin roots.
Cro Magnon,
Voici les formes attestées ancien français (d'où proviennent les deux mots anglais) :
<colour>, <coulour>, <coullour>, <color>, <colur>, <coleur>, <couleur> & <coulleur>
<labur>, <labour>, <labeur> & <labor>
Voici les formes attestées ancien français (d'où proviennent les deux mots anglais) :
<colour>, <coulour>, <coullour>, <color>, <colur>, <coleur>, <couleur> & <coulleur>
<labur>, <labour>, <labeur> & <labor>
Norway is good. :)
I'd say, anyone with a great imagination and LOTS of time can create something of a "made up" language.
I also say that the vast majority of languages most likely borrow words and structures from SOMETHING else.
Annnnnnd, i consider a "real" language to be any language that can be spoken.....after all, folks, language is, very simply, sounds created to describe physical things in our lovely Universe. It's as simple as that. If you want to call a tree a "fatiish," call it a "fatiish."
If, instead of saying, "I will tavel to the river next week," you'd rather say, "Ko, siik-banaashii sa ka-ruus niishta-ekk," be it said.
Languages are the greatest tools we humans have, along with music and art. :)
So enjoy all languages, whether they be "made up" or not.
Situraaniik, ran suontikk Raanish.
(Goodbye, and good luck.) :D
I'd say, anyone with a great imagination and LOTS of time can create something of a "made up" language.
I also say that the vast majority of languages most likely borrow words and structures from SOMETHING else.
Annnnnnd, i consider a "real" language to be any language that can be spoken.....after all, folks, language is, very simply, sounds created to describe physical things in our lovely Universe. It's as simple as that. If you want to call a tree a "fatiish," call it a "fatiish."
If, instead of saying, "I will tavel to the river next week," you'd rather say, "Ko, siik-banaashii sa ka-ruus niishta-ekk," be it said.
Languages are the greatest tools we humans have, along with music and art. :)
So enjoy all languages, whether they be "made up" or not.
Situraaniik, ran suontikk Raanish.
(Goodbye, and good luck.) :D
>> Actually yes, but it takes away possibilities to express all of thought. <<
English doesn't have all that much when it comes to cases. Does that make it not able to "express all [sic] though"?
English doesn't have all that much when it comes to cases. Does that make it not able to "express all [sic] though"?
>> Annnnnnd, i consider a "real" language to be any language that can be spoken... <<
What about sign language?
What about sign language?
i think that elvish should soooo be made into a language it is the upmost beutiful thang
juk where are you from? run it by me one more time
and guest who ever you might be i am from rotorua new zealand and they do not teach elivish anywhere that i am a ware of mostly we mostly teach maori i can speake english every well becaue you need to know english to get a job in the citys but my primary language is maori well i will tell you about me i live on a station you may call it a barn or a farm
we grow kiwi on the borders of our land we mostly grow cabage, corn,
brussle sprouts ,geen beans ,and we raise anmials to mostly we eat wild bore over a fire but we rais cows,chickens thow wild one are the best we also horses which i use to get around the mountain country side we most eat for use wild chicken rabbit and defflent bore(pig) when i sad i use my horse for transportation i mean transportation we are a four day ride to a small store and a 2week ride in to a city thats why most people live in the citys one day my da feel of the rige pole of our house and broke his leg in three spots and one of the bone went throw his skin and he was bleeding veary badly i did what i could to mend it and in the moring we sat outto get aid it took me 3week to get help but he servived it took so long because nea my horse had about 350 pounds on her my dad 250 and me 110 but by then the bone healed and the doctors had to breake his leg and set it back to normal it took hem a long time to heel because a infection set on and made his hole leg black he had blood posing and it made hem veary ill and sick but know hes working on the farm agine and still hhunting wild bore i know it bothers hem from time to time but he will never complain to me will that is kinda the storie of how i live ohhh and how ever sent me the message do we dress in dresses no it not the 1800s
and guest who ever you might be i am from rotorua new zealand and they do not teach elivish anywhere that i am a ware of mostly we mostly teach maori i can speake english every well becaue you need to know english to get a job in the citys but my primary language is maori well i will tell you about me i live on a station you may call it a barn or a farm
we grow kiwi on the borders of our land we mostly grow cabage, corn,
brussle sprouts ,geen beans ,and we raise anmials to mostly we eat wild bore over a fire but we rais cows,chickens thow wild one are the best we also horses which i use to get around the mountain country side we most eat for use wild chicken rabbit and defflent bore(pig) when i sad i use my horse for transportation i mean transportation we are a four day ride to a small store and a 2week ride in to a city thats why most people live in the citys one day my da feel of the rige pole of our house and broke his leg in three spots and one of the bone went throw his skin and he was bleeding veary badly i did what i could to mend it and in the moring we sat outto get aid it took me 3week to get help but he servived it took so long because nea my horse had about 350 pounds on her my dad 250 and me 110 but by then the bone healed and the doctors had to breake his leg and set it back to normal it took hem a long time to heel because a infection set on and made his hole leg black he had blood posing and it made hem veary ill and sick but know hes working on the farm agine and still hhunting wild bore i know it bothers hem from time to time but he will never complain to me will that is kinda the storie of how i live ohhh and how ever sent me the message do we dress in dresses no it not the 1800s
What the hell is Elvish, Quenya, or Lobjan? They're not real languages. Please, give me a break. I'm tired of hearing about these alleged "languages". They're nothing but made up crap.