Things Americans tend to say that sound weird to you
Quick one.
Yes mate .... "Al-gEE" is spot on for the pronunciation of Algae. You've got it sunshine!!
So Americans say "AL-jee" ??? Ok....... didn't know that one. Not laughing mate - but come on son - ours is better ;)
Something I've always thought was strange that Canadian said was "Grade Primary" for Kindergarten; and "bing" for "ping" (IM chat)
Lichen is also LYE-ken for us, PL. Not "litchen", rhymes with "kitchen". ;P
Liken or lichen.....same sound exactly over here.
As Pub Lunch says - algae -hard "g", "ae" as "gee" and not as "jee".
Both house a whole lot of pond life - if you could examine both under a mega powerful microscope you'de be gobsmacked (hard "g").
The word "house".....on an American TV program the other evening I heard the plural word "houses" being used. Although Brits and Americans seem to pronounce "house" the same way, it's not the case with "houses".
Brits generally say "how-ziz" whereas the Americans are more sibilant with "how-sis", which I suppose is more logical. Just an observation on the side. Would I be correct on this one?
<<Brits generally say "how-ziz" whereas the Americans are more sibilant with "how-sis", which I suppose is more logical. Just an observation on the side. Would I be correct on this one?>>
I'm not sure. I have heard both, but I think "howsiz" is more than "howziz".
I guess it depends on whether the word is used as a noun or a verb. But generally, I imagine both words should end in a z sound, regardless of where you're from.
I pronounce the verb for houses: "howzuz" but for the noun houses: "howsuz".
e.g. this museum "howzuz" some of the nation's best paintings.
e.g. there are 10 "howsuz" up for sale.
<<Brits generally say "how-ziz" whereas the Americans are more sibilant with "how-sis", which I suppose is more logical. Just an observation on the side. Would I be correct on this one?>>
He howziz people in hiz howsiz.
I never use a soft S in "houses" -- I always use two z-sounds. It must vary, because "houssez" sounds odd to me.
how-sis? What American says that? Must be a weird regional thing; I've never heard any American say anything but "how-ziz" for houses.
I think I'd only say housis if I were talking about the show House and was using a possessive. So, "House's American accent is wicked good," (yeah, yeah, Hugh Laurie has a real name). Otherwise it would be houziz all the way.
<<Brits generally say "how-ziz" whereas the Americans are more sibilant with "how-sis", which I suppose is more logical. Just an observation on the side. Would I be correct on this one? >>
We definitely say how-siz for "house's"--you sure you heard the plural and not the genitive?
In any event, I say howziz for the plural
I'm a Yank
From Wisconsin I'd say, House's (how-siz) house houses (how-ziz) houses (how-siz).
I have a slightly different pattern myself (and am from Milwaukee, which may be a different part of Wisconsin):
"House's" [ˈhɑ̟̆ŏ̯sɨːz̥]~[ˈhɑ̟̆ŏ̯sɨːs]
"houses" (noun) [ˈhɑɔ̯zɨːz̥]~[ˈhɑɔ̯zɨːs] (less careful/formal) or [ˈhɑ̟̆ŏ̯sɨːz̥]~[ˈhɑ̟̆ŏ̯sɨːs] (more careful/formal)
"houses" (verb) [ˈhɑɔ̯zɨːz̥]~[ˈhɑɔ̯zɨːs]
Note that what people have been writing as "how-siz" is [ˈhɑ̟̆ŏ̯sɨːz̥]~[ˈhɑ̟̆ŏ̯sɨːs] and what people have been writing as "how-ziz" is [ˈhɑɔ̯zɨːz̥]~[ˈhɑɔ̯zɨːs] above.