je remercie encore une fois tout le monde pour leurs messages! cela me fait très plaisir!
pourriez-vous classer vos langues préférées par ordre?
hmm laissez moi reflechir...
1. anglais americain
2. anglais britannique
3. anglais canadien
4. anglais australien
5. anglais neo-zelandais
6. anglais suisse
7. anglais francais
Voila !
1. anglais americain
2. anglais britannique
3. anglais canadien
4. anglais australien
5. anglais neo-zelandais
6. anglais suisse
7. anglais francais
Voila !
" L'anglais suisse ", on peut pas vraiment dire qu'il n'y en ait qu'un seul. Il y a l'accent franco-suisse, l'accent germano-suisse, et l'accent italo-suisse.
" L'anglais français ", ça donne quoi?
His tour de force had a je ne sais quoi that gave me a déjà-vu feeling! That was the coup de grâce but I just thought to myself "c'est la vie!" :)
" L'anglais français ", ça donne quoi?
His tour de force had a je ne sais quoi that gave me a déjà-vu feeling! That was the coup de grâce but I just thought to myself "c'est la vie!" :)
"6. anglais suisse
7. anglais francais " guest ca donne quoi comme langue alors parce que c'est la première fois que je les vois °-)
7. anglais francais " guest ca donne quoi comme langue alors parce que c'est la première fois que je les vois °-)
>>" L'anglais français ", ça donne quoi?
"6. anglais suisse
7. anglais francais " guest ca donne quoi comme langue alors parce que c'est la première fois que je les vois °-)<<
6. l'anglais parlé en Suisse à la Mlle Martina Hingis
7. l'anglais parlé à Montreal par les francophones mais peut-etre avec l'accent francais du Midi
"6. anglais suisse
7. anglais francais " guest ca donne quoi comme langue alors parce que c'est la première fois que je les vois °-)<<
6. l'anglais parlé en Suisse à la Mlle Martina Hingis
7. l'anglais parlé à Montreal par les francophones mais peut-etre avec l'accent francais du Midi
First things first.The message send by - 'Sander' Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:28 am GMT - " Va te faire foutre, sale con ". Wasn't mine, though you probably worked that out yourself.
Then, your message.
=>si tu regardes bien mes derniers messages dans les sections monlingue et multilingue, tu verras que je me suis successivement exprimé en français, en allemand, en polonais et en russe. Et puis j'en ai marre de tes récriminations de vieille bonne femme aigrie. Pourquoi devrais-je me justifier alors que tu fais preuve d'arrogance et d'agressivité ? La vue du français te donne des boutons ? C'est très simple : clique sur la petite croix en haut à gauche de la fenêtre sur ton écran d'ordinateur et ***VIS TA VIE*** !!!! <=
You said the following:
" you will see that I successively expressed myself in French, German, in Polish and in Russian "
That's of course not true.I have to use translators all the time to translate your messages in French, and I'm thankful that the translator works so wel with French and Spanish compared to the others, but still in longer discussions and conversation you get lost in translation.Russian and Polish messages by you are not only scarse but most of time no more than , what, four lines? And the amount of German post by you is also rather low to say the least.
As you know I like you and your personality, but I'm becoming more and more agitated by your remarks and behaviour.
Point is that you (to a lesser extent but still )and certain others simply *think* that *everybody* here understands French or Spanish just because they have over 100 million speakers.How would you react if someone started speaking Czech and more or less *expects* people to understand him or her?You would laugh your ass off.
This is and was an English forum.The languages section has ruined this site, which was meant to promote English.Some people have ruined it for the rest by demonizing English here.Is is just a coincidence that the people who do this are either Francophone and Spanophone?!
This is just childish.2 groups ***JEALOUS!!!*** about English' status.
Dus niet " LEEF JE LEVEN " maar " KRIJG EEN LEVEN ". cordially.
First things first.The message send by - 'Sander' Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:28 am GMT - " Va te faire foutre, sale con ". Wasn't mine, though you probably worked that out yourself.
Then, your message.
=>si tu regardes bien mes derniers messages dans les sections monlingue et multilingue, tu verras que je me suis successivement exprimé en français, en allemand, en polonais et en russe. Et puis j'en ai marre de tes récriminations de vieille bonne femme aigrie. Pourquoi devrais-je me justifier alors que tu fais preuve d'arrogance et d'agressivité ? La vue du français te donne des boutons ? C'est très simple : clique sur la petite croix en haut à gauche de la fenêtre sur ton écran d'ordinateur et ***VIS TA VIE*** !!!! <=
You said the following:
" you will see that I successively expressed myself in French, German, in Polish and in Russian "
That's of course not true.I have to use translators all the time to translate your messages in French, and I'm thankful that the translator works so wel with French and Spanish compared to the others, but still in longer discussions and conversation you get lost in translation.Russian and Polish messages by you are not only scarse but most of time no more than , what, four lines? And the amount of German post by you is also rather low to say the least.
As you know I like you and your personality, but I'm becoming more and more agitated by your remarks and behaviour.
Point is that you (to a lesser extent but still )and certain others simply *think* that *everybody* here understands French or Spanish just because they have over 100 million speakers.How would you react if someone started speaking Czech and more or less *expects* people to understand him or her?You would laugh your ass off.
This is and was an English forum.The languages section has ruined this site, which was meant to promote English.Some people have ruined it for the rest by demonizing English here.Is is just a coincidence that the people who do this are either Francophone and Spanophone?!
This is just childish.2 groups ***JEALOUS!!!*** about English' status.
Dus niet " LEEF JE LEVEN " maar " KRIJG EEN LEVEN ". cordially.
>=Point is that you (to a lesser extent but still )and certain others simply *think* that *everybody* here understands French or Spanish just because they have over 100 million speakers.How would you react if someone started speaking Czech and more or less *expects* people to understand him or her?You would laugh your ass off.>=
Lo mismo puede decirse de ciertos Anglo-parlantes que esperan que todo mundo hable Inglés, solo por que hay mas de 100 millones de hablantes y por que es el idioma de los negocios además.
Basta con ver a algunos turistas que van a ciertos paises "rebeldes y canallas" que no usan el Inglés en su vida diaria, y como dichos turistas se molestan en extremo por que la gente común y corriente "no habla el idioma de la civilización" dígase Inglés.
Si bien es cierto lo que tu dices sobre los Franco-parlantes y los Hispano-parlantes, exactament lo mismo es aplicable a los Anglo-parlantes que esperan que todo el mundo hable Inglés, y si las personas no hablan dicho idioma, automáticamente quedan excluidos de la "civilización" por ignorantes.
Lo mismo puede decirse de ciertos Anglo-parlantes que esperan que todo mundo hable Inglés, solo por que hay mas de 100 millones de hablantes y por que es el idioma de los negocios además.
Basta con ver a algunos turistas que van a ciertos paises "rebeldes y canallas" que no usan el Inglés en su vida diaria, y como dichos turistas se molestan en extremo por que la gente común y corriente "no habla el idioma de la civilización" dígase Inglés.
Si bien es cierto lo que tu dices sobre los Franco-parlantes y los Hispano-parlantes, exactament lo mismo es aplicable a los Anglo-parlantes que esperan que todo el mundo hable Inglés, y si las personas no hablan dicho idioma, automáticamente quedan excluidos de la "civilización" por ignorantes.
Consider this a rare reaction to a troll like you Sigma,
1 This is an English forum and everyone here can speak ENGLISH.No such thing can be said about Spanish or French despite your sickening nationalism.
2 I did not ever mention tourists so don't lay words in my mouth.
1 This is an English forum and everyone here can speak ENGLISH.No such thing can be said about Spanish or French despite your sickening nationalism.
2 I did not ever mention tourists so don't lay words in my mouth.
Sander, in the LANGUAGES section you can post in any LANGUAGE you want. Despite that, you give a roasting to anyone who doesn't use ENGLISH in this section... What the hell is WRONG with you?
What do you think will change if you keep doing this? Do you think antimooners who refuses to speak English will end up obeying you and using it all of a sudden? Do you think Tom will close this section and ban other languages again only because some user demands it?
Antimoon is no monolingual forum anymore (thanks God!) Better get used to the idea.
What is your problem with other languages than English being promoted and with seeing messages that are not in English anyway? When I see a post that I don't understand, I just don't read it. I can COPE with the fact that I don't understand EVERY languages in the world and can't take part to EVERY single conversation going on on this board.
If there were enough Dutch people on Antimoon for you to have conversations in your native language, who do you think would demand that you and your fellows speak in English instead? Not me anyway. I don't even think anyone would disaprove or even care about your speaking Dutch.
What do you think will change if you keep doing this? Do you think antimooners who refuses to speak English will end up obeying you and using it all of a sudden? Do you think Tom will close this section and ban other languages again only because some user demands it?
Antimoon is no monolingual forum anymore (thanks God!) Better get used to the idea.
What is your problem with other languages than English being promoted and with seeing messages that are not in English anyway? When I see a post that I don't understand, I just don't read it. I can COPE with the fact that I don't understand EVERY languages in the world and can't take part to EVERY single conversation going on on this board.
If there were enough Dutch people on Antimoon for you to have conversations in your native language, who do you think would demand that you and your fellows speak in English instead? Not me anyway. I don't even think anyone would disaprove or even care about your speaking Dutch.
Antimoon was never monolingual.Apparently you weren't around when that was, probably because you're just one of the trolls under a different name.
This languages section was a big mistake.Many of the regulars dislike it and want it either to dissapear or be put under some kind of rules.Many , including myself, have send Tom Emails asking for this.
This languages section was a big mistake.Many of the regulars dislike it and want it either to dissapear or be put under some kind of rules.Many , including myself, have send Tom Emails asking for this.
Only because you don't like this section is no excuse to start complaining anytime someone uses another language than English. Using another language and being a troll are TWO *VERY* DIFFERENT things.
You'd be suprised how close they are connected on this forum.
Anyway, my discussion with you is closed.You are a troll and this meant to be ignored.
Anyway, my discussion with you is closed.You are a troll and this meant to be ignored.
If that means you will stop bothering people who don't speak in English, that's fine. I don't care how much you believe speaking another language and being a troll are connected on Antimoon. On this very thread, you've been obnoxious with people who had no harmful goal only because they were not speaking in English. To me, you are the troll.