Why German is not popular here?

Commonaswhole   Fri May 08, 2009 4:43 pm GMT
How about Andalusian Spanish, with their siesta break...
Caudillo   Fri May 08, 2009 5:40 pm GMT
Siesta is not only Andalusian. Taking siesta has nothing to do with working less or more, it's just a short period of time that people use to rest and later resume the labour journey. In fact taking a nap is a good invest because according to scientists increases productiviy and improves people's health, so it reduces the amount of time people waste when are sick and don't produce.

La jornada laboral de España sólo es superada por cinco países de la UE
La media de los contratos a tiempo completo es de 40 horas, frente a las 37,6 de Francia y las 42,6 de Letonia .
Sólo le superan tres países del Este recién incorporados a la UE -Letonia, República Checa y Estonia-, además de Alemania y Austria, según datos de Eurostat, la oficina estadística de Bruselas, correspondientes a 2005. El socio comunitario que cierra el ránking es Francia, con 37,6 horas.
Guest   Fri May 08, 2009 5:45 pm GMT
<<Siesta is not only Andalusian. Taking siesta has nothing to do with working less or more, it's just a short period of time that people use to rest and later resume the labour journey. In fact taking a nap is a good invest because according to scientists increases productiviy and improves people's health, so it reduces the amount of time people waste when are sick and don't produce.

Yeah, there are definite health benefits, but this is no why they take a siesta. They take a siesta having not known about the benefites anyway, because they are lazy.

labour journey my asswholes

<<You are wrong, everybody knows that Spaniards and Italians are the most hard-working Europeans. >>

Caudillo   Fri May 08, 2009 5:51 pm GMT
Why don't you read? Spain has one of the longest labour journeys. France has the shortest one.
Siesta is 30 minutes, Sleeping at night is 8 hours, they have the rest of time to work. I one of the laziest people in the world and don't even take a nap. I don't even sleep 8 hours but 6 or less. The rest of time I fuck.
Schabernack   Fri May 08, 2009 6:44 pm GMT
"Germans are the most hard-working Europeans, they just are at work while we're trolling on some insignificant forum."

I'm German and I disagree. A recent study actually revealed that we have more free time than most of the world. Only the Belgians have more ;-)

Caudillo   Fri May 08, 2009 6:48 pm GMT
According to my data , Germans have one of the longest labour journeys too:

BILBAO. DV. La jornada semanal media de los empleados a tiempo completo de la Unión Europea, medida en horas realmente trabajadas, es de 40. España, con 41, se coloca en el sexto lugar de la clasificación. Sólo le superan tres países del Este recién incorporados a la UE -Letonia, República Checa y Estonia-, además de Alemania y Austria, según datos de Eurostat, la oficina estadística de Bruselas, correspondientes a 2005. El socio comunitario que cierra el ránking es Francia, con 37,6 horas, cinco menos que Letonia (42,6), que lo encabeza.

Anyways longer labour journey does not mean being hard worker, not necessarily.
Frau Kepperwerrunghenschu   Fri May 08, 2009 7:05 pm GMT
This drives me mad.
We know. You are already mad and it's your problem

...........and other inferior languages.
This sentence is enough to qualify your mental status. The only thing I see "inferior" is your brain and, by the way, German is not superior to anything

German deserves to be more popular on Antimoon but I think there is a kind of conspiracy made by the moderators or somebody against German.
Wha'ts going on here?
Nothing. German is ugly and there are few people who like to learn it. It's so plain simple, don't rack your so poor brain in finding conspiration or other childlish things.
I feel your way of talking quite disgusting, are you American by chance?
Deutscher   Fri May 08, 2009 7:35 pm GMT
Germans are the most hard-working Europeans, they just are at work while we're trolling on some insignificant forum.


This is untrue, a big cliché. There are lazy and dumb germans too.
Deutsch   Fri May 08, 2009 7:48 pm GMT
Germans are the most hard-working Europeans


I bet this idiotic sentence can't come from anyone but an american. Only americans are so dumb and full of inexistent clichés and they reason only on the basis of crass prejudices. Always thinking the idiocies they have in mind are the truth they didn't even got informed before open their stupid mouth.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_time#Western_Europe Look where is Germany, idiot.
For them the world is divided with a chain saw, but I know it's a waste of time thinking they can progress
rep   Fri May 08, 2009 7:58 pm GMT
German is very nice,soulful language:
Paul   Fri May 08, 2009 9:42 pm GMT
<<German is spoken by more than 100 millions in Europe>>

Unlike French, Spanish, and Portuguese, German is only spoken in Europe...and Europe is irrelevant.
melvin   Fri May 08, 2009 9:49 pm GMT
Europe is irrelevant.


Paul arrête de rêver. C'est encore un cliché très américain, pourquoi vous manquez tant de confiance en vous ?
bananenjoe   Fri May 08, 2009 10:09 pm GMT
Not German is unpopular but the people claiming it is
Him   Fri May 08, 2009 11:10 pm GMT
It seems the EU officials are hell-bent on decreasing Europe's productivity and competitiveness. they seem to always want to reduce the working hours. Are they Russian or chinese spies looking to dismember Europe by stupidifiing the populace?
Hermann   Sat May 09, 2009 6:07 am GMT
Wotan segne die deutsche Sprache!