Does Russian sounds like Portuguese?

Franco   Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:20 pm GMT
Casi todos los llamados brasilerismos son realmente características conservadoras del portugués clásico. Los brasileños pronuncian todas las vocales porque así es como se supone que la lengua debe ser pronunciada (como es escrita) y no tiene nada que ver con la influencia italiana o cualquier otra influencia extranjera. Joao, fueron los portugueses los que dejaron de pronunciar todas las vocales del portugués, ya que son unos vagos.
Penetra   Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:16 am GMT
<< Los brasileños pronuncian todas las vocales porque así es como se supone que la lengua debe ser pronunciada (como es escrita) >>

Franco, eso no hace ningún sentido. La escrita sigue el habla y no el inverso. Las discrepancias entre las dos ocurren porque todas las lenguas vivas se cambian con el tiempo. Pero estás correcto en afirmar que los brasilerismos no se deben a ninguna influencia extranjera, como quiere João.
Clarissa   Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:34 pm GMT
Well, my husband can speak both languages as a native speaker (he was born in Brazil but he was raised in Russia, from nine-years-old to 23) and he believes they do have a very similar phonetic system.

I've been trying to learn and the way vowels are pronounced in both languages, in fact, seems to be very similar.

Yesterday, for exemple, I was trying to learn how to speak "пожалуйста" and I kept saying "по" like an English speaker and many many times he would correct me saying "it's like Portuguese, say "Pá", "pá", "pá", "пожалуйста").

My russian teacher, who actually is Polish but was also raised in Russia, says that when she first came to Brazil, when she listened brazilians talking (especially cariocas, i.e., people born and raised in Rio de Janeiro city), she thought it was russian.

I think it must be true. The russians I know tend to master Portuguese almost perfectly after living here for some time. You notice they're not native speakers, but it's hard to be sure where they from.
Jônas   Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:55 pm GMT
Cariocas are not the best example of typical Brazilian Portuguese, just like NewYorkers are not the best example of typical American English, when it comes to accents:

neutral accents:

1) in the US: San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson, Denver
2) in Brazil: Brasília, Vitória, Guarapari, Juíz de Fora, Rezende, Barra Mansa
-   Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:14 pm GMT
3) in Portugal: Coimbra
patuxca   Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:32 pm GMT
acredite, que não tem qualquer ligação.
Sou Portuguesa de Portugal e estudo Russo... E as duas línguas são completamente diferentes, em termos de som, gramática, alfabeto, etc...
Mr. D.   Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:42 pm GMT
To 'loling Joao':

"Mr D, there's something I didn't get: you understand Portuguese because of being of Portuguese denscent? How is that? Is the ability to understand a specific language genetic?"

Don't be ridiculous. You are not clever, and I never said anything about genetics, you added that to the conversation, I never even infered it. What I said could also mean that because of my decent I learned Portuguese from my family... are you for real? Besides you are missing the point of this post... I am refraining from really insulting you right now, so don't bother to respond, please.

To 'UsaFor':

"Spaniards are not white either.
It's a mith after they tried everything to pass as white"

I don't really know what you are trying to say...

With the amount of immigrants of negro decent being allowed to european countries (England, France, Netherlands)... are these countries not white anymore because of a small black population?
The Spanish didn't engage in the negro slave trade or have any subsaharan colonies, so they most likely have less percentage of black people living there.
The moors (who had control of Spain for half a century before they were kicked their out) were not blacks (at all), and they did not leave a significant genetic imprint on Spain.
A true Spaniard would be celtic, visigothic, Roman, perhaps some Greek/Phonecian in certain regions... these are all caucasian ethnicities the last time I checked.
Look at the Spanish football team, what do you see?
SOME southern italians have blue eyes. Many middle eastern people also have blue eyes... so what? what does this mean anyway?
Also have you ever noticed how dark some scandinavians are (hulk hogan)? Alot of caucasian ethnicities can be very fair skinned in winter and tan very darkly in summer (darkness does not mean blackness).

myth is spelled this way.
Franco   Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:56 am GMT
Also have you ever noticed how dark some scandinavians are (hulk hogan)?

Yeah, I've noticed that too. There is a type of Scandinavian that is olive skinned and blue eyed with very blond hair. According to Benjamin Franklin, one of the fathers of the American nation, the Swedes alongisde with the Germans were not white but "swarthy". I guess that he may had that type of Swedes in mind:

<<The Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.>>
Penetra   Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:42 am GMT

Opiniões são apenas isso, impressões subjetivas. O fato é que o russo
tem alguns (poucos) fonemas que o português não tem, sutilezas como a palatalização, que não tem valor fonético em português e encontros consonantais completamente exóticos ao português (где?). Salvo engano meu, a primeira vogal de "пожалуйста" é um "schwa", que não ocorre no português brasileiro.
Acho que muita gente nutre essa impressão porque quer "aparentar" nossa língua com outras mais chiques (leia-se: qualquer coisa "européia", que não seja das nossas raízes ibéricas). Eu, por meu lado, acho que o português europeu soa como o catalão e o brasileiro, como um galego mais "suave". Tudo entre família.
TEAM WASP   Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:23 pm GMT
Nothing crackpot about what Benjamin Franklin said. These so-called Scandinavians and Germans he was talking about, were in fact swarthy Walloons and French Huguenot immigrants, not ethnic Gemanics. Has the wretched state of the Qubecianos proves, these dark 'Francophone Scandinavians' would of been better off and happier down in the more med-like natural habitat of the South Americas, amongst their Romance brethren.
Franco   Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:13 pm GMT
South America is more black-mulatto than swarthy. I guess that Quebec is the only pure swarthy nation in the Americas. For example look at Celine Dion, everybody is like her there. For this reason I support their independence.
Baldewin   Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:25 pm GMT
Francophone discipline:

Genetic or cultural?
lolling Joao   Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:30 pm GMT
«"Mr D, there's something I didn't get: you understand Portuguese because of being of Portuguese denscent? How is that? Is the ability to understand a specific language genetic?"

Don't be ridiculous. You are not clever, and I never said anything about genetics, you added that to the conversation,

If you say that you speak a language because of your ancestry, it's logical that...

«I never even infered it. What I said could also mean that because of my decent I learned Portuguese from my family are you for real?»

Now, it's clear (looooooooooooooool)

«Besides you are missing the point of this post... I am refraining from really insulting you right now, so don't bother to respond, please»

Who cares... take a tranquilizer if it's necessary and don't be so sensitive.
lolling Joao   Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:40 pm GMT
«With the amount of immigrants of negro decent being allowed to european countries (England, France, Netherlands)... are these countries not white anymore because of a small black population?
The Spanish didn't engage in the negro slave trade or have any subsaharan colonies, so they most likely have less percentage of black people living there.
The moors (who had control of Spain for half a century before they were kicked their out) were not blacks (at all), and they did not leave a significant genetic imprint on Spain.
A true Spaniard would be celtic, visigothic, Roman, perhaps some Greek/Phonecian in certain regions... these are all caucasian ethnicities the last time I checked.
Look at the Spanish football team, what do you see?
SOME southern italians have blue eyes. Many middle eastern people also have blue eyes... so what? what does this mean anyway?
Also have you ever noticed how dark some scandinavians are (hulk hogan)? Alot of caucasian ethnicities can be very fair skinned in winter and tan very darkly in summer (darkness does not mean blackness). »

There are a few blond (either or both) blue eyed people in all the Southern European countries, from the very south of Portugal to the very south of Greece, plus a few in Northern Africa and the middle east. There are a few black haired (either or both) brown eyed people in Scandinavia. There are quite a few/lot of darker Germans, English, Irish, Scotish, Polish, Czechs, etc.

And this is without counting recent migrations. Europe is mixed up. All the racist bs produced here doesn't make any sense.
Parisien   Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:47 pm GMT
@ lolling Joao the swarthy:

Solo pienso en tus caricias,solo pienso en tus abrazos,me despierto en la noche y no hay nadie a mi lado...

Tengo el cuerpo desolado de magreos y deseos..tengo ganas de un soldado, un marinero o un pistolero..

Hazme el amor..tocame un poquito,un poquito el higo, o, o, o.

Hazme el amor..tocame un poquito un poquito el higo...

Los domingos con el fútbol,en el bar con los amigos,horas extras en el quieres estar conmigo.

Yo doy vueltas en la cama,arañando las paredes...tengo húmedas las bragas... es que ya no me quieres...

Hazme el amor,tocame un poquito,un poquito el higo...

Hazme el amor,tocame un poquito,un poquito el higo, o, o , o...

A tu madre no la aguanto,te tiene muy dominado..

Dices que no tienes tiempo y no te vas de su lado...

Un ratito a la semana yo jugaba con tus labios..ahora nisiquiera un voy lejos de tu lado..

Bye bye baby..