Should there be a new spanish reform?
Should there? Just to join all the dialects of Spanish to one. Maybe we could change the modern x back into its old sound (english "sh"), Modern j back into its old sound (french "j"), modern c before i or e change back to a "t͡s"(also represented by old spanish ç, example "coraçon", which was replaced by "corazon"), modern z back to "d͡z", modern g before i or e into the modern j sound(working like italian g before i, as in "i" not being sounded unless doubled to represent that its sounded), modern "ll" changed back to its original sound where it has been changed(a Palatal lateral approximant).
The modern x sound could be replaced by "cs", or even make change k into that sound, changing all foriegn words and latinizing them(quilo for kilo)
This change would unify the different sound people use.
This change would also change some word back to their mediæval forms.
Post your comments on this and any change you would make.
Other possibilities include:
1) n-tilde -> ny (or something like this) -- eliminate the unique n-tilde character.
2) Keep the "k" in international words (like "kilo"), at least. BTW --what's the Spanish word for "wiki"? -- guiqui, huiqui?
3) Unify all the different variants of "you" in the pronouns and verb endings. It's not clear which model should be the basis for this reform, though.
4) Don't use the combined [ae] letter in modern English, until it such time as it starts appearing on standard keyboards (mediaeval -> medieval, for example). Also, don't use the diaeresis/dieresis in English, until they fix up our keyboards.
I'd suggest dumping the subjunctive mood completely. This would make it easier to learn, and perhaps accelerate its spread as a 2nd language around the globe.
Who cares? Spanish is already a very easy language to learn
ortographic problems:
* Phonems:
b,v and y,ll and some cases of K,c (casa and not kasa) and some cases j,g( gimnasio and not jimnasio) and many people don't write 'h' for instance they write: a sido but the right form is: ha sido.
* Accents:
for instance:
- de is a preposition but dé is a verb from dar.
- canto is present but cantó is past
Despite there's more or less clear rules to write well in Spanish people have a lot of trouble writing correctly in Spanish.
If people have trouble writing Spanish then they should study more cause Spanish can't be dumbed down to fit their ignorance.
"If you can't grasp the language, stick to your dialect. Back to your provincial village!" is my motto.
kilogramo = quilogramo
kilómetro = quilómetro
kiosko = quiosco
whisky = güisqui
friki = friqui
web = güeb
pickle = picle
RAE proposed "güisqui" spelling, but people prefer to write "whisky" so far. So talk for yourself, people do need w and k in Spanish because they keep on using them despite alternative spellings are proposed.
Anyways shouldn't it be more accurate to write "ueb" and "uisqui"? Where those "g's" come from? I don't pronounce whisky as "güisqui" but as "uisqui" and web as "ueb".
heavy => heavi
sexy => sexi
groggy => grogui
heavy => heavi
sexy => sexi
groggy => grogui
In Spanish final y is far more frequent than final i :
-ay and -i are different sounds...
-i and -vi , xi, gui are different sounds too so what.
<<Anyways shouldn't it be more accurate to write "ueb" and "uisqui"? Where those "g's" come from? I don't pronounce whisky as "güisqui" but as "uisqui" and web as "ueb". >>
"ueb" and "uisqui" look funny -- Since the initial "g" requires an umlaut over the "u", why not use initial "h" instead:
Also, "x" and "y" are ugly, too, so perhaps we should replace most "x" with "cc" and a few with "j" or "g". Some "y" would be replaced with "i" or "hi".